Ramble On #2
Welcome to my new blog series - Ramble On. It is a travel based blog, created for the sole purpose of exploring new creative writing opportunities. It's bent is deliberately humorous. The stories are predominantly fiction.
Today's episode is based on the song Travelling Riverside Blues by Led Zeppelin, based on material from blues legend Robert Johnson.
This is post 11 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.
Making a Deal With the Devil
I had set out in search of the legendary Rosedale. The place where soul contracts are made. Well they were once upon a time. That time being when the blues man Robert Johnson met the Devil at the crossroads. A deal was made, and the Devil got Robert's soul and Robert became a successful blues musician.
Why Rosedale I had often wondered. I had never found a satisfactory answer, but I'm sure there had to be one. All I know is it was down at the crossroads, as he was going to Rosedale. He had his rider by his side – was that the Devil? Would certainly make for an interesting travel partner.
One clue I did have when it came to locating Rosedale was lemons. Seems Robert Johnson had a thing about squeezing them, so Rosedale must have been a lemon growing area.
Led Zeppelin had placed this story within my consciousness. Their version of Robert Johnson's song Travelling Riverside Blues has been a favourite of mine for some time. I thought about the lyrics, looked for clues, eager to unravel this mystery, and get some travel experience at the same time. I took out my note book and pen, and hit the road.

After much searching and fruitless wanderings I finally happened upon the very town itself – ROSEDALE. Just like my town it even had its own sign. That was a good start. The bus took me past it, but I noticed the sign as we drove down the main road and towards the bus station. Right into the heart of Rosedale.
I was on the lookout for the crossroads. Unfortunately it seem this town was full of them. Which one would be more favourable to the Devil? Perhaps there was a Satan Street around here. Would it be that obvious?
When I was off the bus I went to the information desk and asked about the legend himself Robert Johnson. The woman behind the desk just looked at me blankly. Did she not know about the Devil and the crossroads? Should I educate her?
"This is Rosedale, right?" I asked her
"It is."
"And Robert Johnson was on his way to Rosedale when he encountered the Devil. They met at a crossroads around these parts and made a deal. Do you know where that would be?"
"I don't even know who Robert Johnson is."
"Really? You've heard of the Devil, right?"
"Sure. Haven't met him though."
"Okay, well we've got half a mystery still to solve. So you don't know anything about Robert Johnson?"
"No, sorry. Are you sure you have the correct Rosedale?"
I thought about her question. It struck me like a bolt. "How many Rosedales are there?"
She turned to her computer and typed in something. I could see her eyes over the top of the monitor. There was no noticeable expression as she scanned the screen. I couldn't see what she was looking at.

"Robert Johnson you say?" she asked as she looked back at me.
"Rosedale you say?"
She hesitated for a moment as she studied me. I couldn't ascertain exactly what she may have been thinking in that moment. But I was anxious to discover the whereabouts of the crossroads at the heart of the Robert Johnson story. Perhaps I could meet the Devil too. Get my travel blogging career off to a devilish start. Only time would tell.
"Seems you have the wrong Rosedale."
I thought about her words for a moment. "How far am I from the correct Rosedale?''
"About 15,000 kilometres. You're in the wrong Rosedale. In the wrong country. On the wrong side of the planet. At least you are on the right planet." She looked at me with menacing eyes. Boring right through me and slapping my insides around. "And I do wonder about that last one also," she added.
"Do you grow lemons here?" I finally asked her. Perhaps I could still salvage this trip somehow.
"No, we don't."
Now I really had the blues.
Images from unsplash.com and used with permission.
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Links to earlier works
- Fiction
Writing Myself Out of Existence
- Blog Posts
Notes #1 - #39 Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection
Notes #40 Read, Write, and Face the Future
Notes #41 What Are Some Of Your Favourite Books?
Notes #42 Website Review: Fiction University
Notes #43 - Seeking a Community Of Writers