INSPIRING PEOPLE - MY inspirational writing in the midweek

History is full of inspiring people: Gandhi, Anne Frank, Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pope Francis. Just to mention a few as the list is endless. Fortunately for the world and for all of us. All these people have one thing in common: they are humanists. They love their neighbor, they love all human beings, they recognize them as their brothers, their equal. More, the love all the beings, from animals to the all living things that inhabit our planet.


They’re humanists. This is the reason why they fight for their ideals, for justice, freedom, and equality. People with a cause without minding color, race, or creed. They spread the message of kindness, recognition, and tolerance and, more than that, they run through it. They believe in the values of the humanity, they never give up, even if they may get discouraged in the way, even if they are victims of other human beings.

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Because they believe, they believe until the end that the essence of man can last and win.
That the world can be a better place.
There are inspiring people who inspire us.
Let’s follow their example without fear.


Photos: #frommybalcony, East Timor.
Taken with my Canon EOS 5D MKIII.

Have a great end of the week, my friends!

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