LOVE, LIKE HIS - Chapter 18 - The Library - An Original Story by @papa-pepper

Well, @papa-pepper just learned something new today.


Being a busy man with a lot to do, I had seen some "NaNoWriMo" posts coming across my feed, but since I never knew what it was, I never looked into it.

Turns out, as everyone else probably already knows, "NaNoWriMo" is an abbreviation of "National Novel Writing Month." The technical goal of this "NaNoWriMo" endeavor is that people attempt to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and November 30th.

I have actually been writing this novel since 2011 or 2012, and when steemit came out, I began to continue. I am not actually attempting the NaNoWriMo challenge, but in honor of learning about it, here is the next chapter of my novel, Love Like His.


Gary pulls into the library parking lot, wondering about what Ray is up to. He’d received the phone call just before his normal lunch break, so he was able to leave almost immediately to meet up with Ray.

It meant that Gary would have to miss his customary vanilla ice cream cone for lunch dessert, but it was a small price to pay to find out what his friend is up to.

Inside, Ray is sitting upstairs at a computer desk, reading the text on the screen. Gary startles him when he approaches, but Ray is relieved when he recognizes who it is.

“Gary!” he gasps, rising to greet his friend. For a moment, he had thought that it may have been Cromwell coming. Relieved indeed!

The relief quickly turns to caution and concern, as Ray remembers the task at hand.

“Gary, you’ve got to see what I’ve found.”

“Yes, please Ray, clue me in. Exactly what it is that has gotten you so concerned and why did you ask me to meet you here?”

“Gary, you won’t believe what I found out about Detective Cromwell,” Ray speaks low and slow as he slides back into his chair. Gary pulls up another one and sits beside Ray.

Multiple windows are open on the computer screen, and the first is displaying the front page of a local newspaper. Ray begins to show Gary page after page of articles and headlines featuring the detective skills of Mr. Timothy Cromwell.

Time and time again, it appears that the detective played a lead role in cracking some of the most difficult and bizarre cases.

This madman who has been pursuing the two is actually some sort of super-sleuth.

At least that is how the newspapers have been portraying him for years, after he solved mystery after mystery and closed case after case.

Gary and Ray take a long hard look at one another in perplexed bewilderment. Neither had realized what they were up against.

“Gary, some of the articles share that the detective has an amazing talent for getting hunches, and that once Cromwell is on the case, the case is basically over; it’s just a matter of time.”

“Obviously it’s the same guy, Ray, but he sure has not been acting like an amazing detective who does a great job.”

Gary pauses for a minute, and then quietly adds, “I wonder what he is on our tails for?”

“That’s not all,” Ray adds, “I found out something else.”

Ray begins to close all of the open windows on the screen, except one.

It’s another article in another newspaper, but it’s from years prior to the other ones.

The screen displays an old police report about a double homicide.

The victims are a mother and a young son, both with the last name Cromwell…

Ray’s broken heart has displayed itself on his face. Despite all that this man has put Ray through, his heart still goes out to him.

“Yeah,” Gary begins, “Cromwell mentioned something about that. I guess that was why he became a detective… they never caught the murderer.”

“So he became a detective and is still trying to find the one who did it?”

“Yeah, Cromwell pretty much views himself as a one-man ‘justice league’ waging war in a never-ending battle to clean up the streets.”

Rays eyes are large and intense. “This battle of his has been escalating lately, Gary.”

The pair pause and the conversations ceases for a moment. Ray glances back and forth and then leans in, quietly whispering, “He put a gun to your head.”

“I know,” Gary replies, “but none of this makes sense. If this guy is some amazing detective, why is he after us, and why does he seem to be spinning out of control?”

A flash of surprise races across the face of Ray.

“I wonder,” he begins…

“Were the suspects tricked or forced into confessing out of fear because of Cromwell, Gary?”


If you are new to this story, you may want to start with the first chapter.


(I didn't have any lights....)

Thank you, and stay tuned for LOVE LIKE HIS : Chapter 19 - Coming soon to a steemit near you

Also, if you enjoyed this chapter, let me know by leaving a comment! Thanks

Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!

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