Continuation of The Knight of the Light- Story 2- Your Choice- Lord Rakalis of Kizan

This story is a continuation to The Knight of the Light. If you would like to follow along with the story from the beginning, DO NOT read this story first. Follow the link to read the original beginning, and then choose the decision at the end. You can then follow the links back to this story, or the other choice.


Satilla Kershaw stood on the balcony of the temple’s west wing. From this view she could see above the smoke, and the fires burning below. Behind her she could hear Mantissa’s footsteps, and Satilla knew exactly what she was about to say.

“I’ve already issued a retraction of my vote.” Satilla said; more than disappointed by the fall of Granfalloon; her once beautiful home that was now overrun by a tyrannical leader.

“What did you expect, “Mantissa said, “he destroys everything he touches. Did you not expect he would destroy us as well?”

Satilla spoke up for Lord Rakalis on numerous occasions, and it was well known that she favored the protection, the Lord and his armies offered. But she thought now, maybe she should have listened to Mantissa when she had the chance.

“He won’t stop, even after the retraction order. He won’t give up this power. If he wasn’t corrupt before he became the Knight of the Light, he for certain is now. We have to devise an alternative plan.”

Satilla walked away from the open window. She would change nothing by glancing on. Their people needed a hero, but where would she find such a person?

“What are you suggesting?” Satilla asked, already knowing the answer.

“I suggest we kill him.”

Satilla gasped, “Killing the Knight of the Light is unheard of,” she said, then lowered her voice, “and to speak of such things is cause for death. Especially against Lord Rakalis.”

“Then we don’t speak about it.” Mantissa said. “There’s a man, who lives in the forest not far from here. Drake of Northfallen, he has volunteered to kill the Lord, if that is what it has come to.”

“But is that what it has come to?” Satilla asked. “If I could talk to the Lord Rakalis, maybe I could change his mind.”
Mantissa shrugged. “I don’t see what that will help. If he has not listened to you by now, why would he suddenly change his mind? Think on it, and let us know; once again it has come down to your vote.”

Satilla sighed. Again, she is faced with a difficult decision that will affect the entire planet. She did not have faith in her decisions after the last vote. How could she have been wrong about Lord Rakalis?

Could she possibly have enough wisdom to convince the Lord that the people of the planet were worth saving? Or would he ignore her pleas, and the pleas of the people to gain complete control of everything, and everyone?

And if she voted to kill the Lord, would this stop the corruption? Would another step up in his place and demand even more of the people of Granfalloon?

She only hoped this time, she would make the right decision.

The choice is yours:

Do we kill Lord Rakalis? Or, do we hope Satilla can talk him out of his evil ways?

To follow through on the Death Order click [Here] (to be continued soon!)

Advise Satilla to consult Lord Rakalis, in hopes of a peaceful resolution click [Here] (to be continued soon!)

Stay tuned for next week’s episode of The Knight of the Light

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