The town of Quack

Hi Everyone!!

Image by @marinaart

The town of Quack

On a cold rainy day in the town of Quack, there lived a man called Zac. NO, just Zac. No, no ary.....just Zac.

He was a Shipwright by trade but the ocean had dried up long ago so the little town of Quack was stranded with nowhere to go.

The residents of the town all tried to come up with ways to make the town prosper again. They had meetings galore and talked the talk but when it came to walking they, of course, had no water in which to walk.

So every week, then turned in to months, which of course became years, the town of Quack became standstill.

Then in came Zac. You thought I forgot about him, didn't you?

Zac came in and was bored to death of the meetings each week. So bored he was, late at night, he would go to his shop and build on his newest creation.

What this ended up being, was something worth seeing, as it grew larger and larger.

Trap doors were added, lead pipes to reinforce, as the structure got taller and taller.

Then one rainy day Zac's creation was done. He wheeled it out for all to see and the town let out a Gasp! consecutively.

What Zac had built was a thing of beauty to the town of Quack. It represented freedom, for all in the town, in the form of travel. A new home for all would be found. One near water of course.

The day ended well as everyone packed and all were happy that there would be no more meetings again!

Off the next day, the whole town went, all safe inside Zac's contraption.

If you are ever about and see a wooded duck making its way through the desert, you will know it is the town of Quack, off on their adventure to find a new home.

The End.

I hope you have enjoyed my Day 89: 5 Minute Freewrite

Please come join us!!! You will have so much fun!!

Happy Writing!!
Much Love,

If you care to read more Freewrite's by me, please see links below:

Whales, Steemit and Community

The Mighty Carl


Great Grandma~ Day 83 Freewrite

Is this a joke? Nope.

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