[Fiction story] - A**hole soulmate - Final part

The writing prompt for the following story was:

"Soulmates have been confirmed to be real, the only problem is yours is a complete asshole."

Provided by: reddit user Arthurni

asshole soulmate.jpg

Please read previous parts before continuing.
Links: part 1, part 2

I slammed the doors shut and ran out the back.

I could hear his footsteps behind me but I didn't look back. I just ran as fast as I could.

"Angela, there's no running from destiny! You know I'll always find you!" He shouted after me before finally giving up the pursuit.

I kept running until I made it to the old abandoned factory. Still breathing heavily I sat down on the nearest rock I could find.

"How? How did he find me?"

I knew it was easy to track the flight to Italy I took under my real name. But how did he know what town I was in and furthermore what house I was staying at.

Then it finally hit me.

"Giovanna!" I exclaimed.

We had taken a picture together not long ago that I agreed she put on the internet. I had been using a fake name all along and in the heat of the moment really didn't think that through.

A single mistake cost me my freedom. I felt like a criminal on the run.

I knew I couldn't go back to the Morettis.

But I also knew he was right.

In the modern age with all the technology, it was a miracle he needed 2 months to find me.

And life on the run was no life to live.

I got up and started walking in an attempt to clear my head and figure out my next move. After about half an hour I decided to venture into the woods. I wanted to breathe in the peace and calm of nature.

The sound of the birds chirping and the wind blowing relaxed me, but I kept on walking.

Still deciding whether to marry Wyatt, kill him, kill myself or do whatever it taes to get away, I spotted something unusual in front of me.

It was a house. A house in the middle of nowhere.

I got closer to investigate and I saw a man chopping wood up front. He saw me also and waved me to come. Much to my surprise, he spoke fluent English.

Jerry wasn't Italian, but his wife, Adriana, was. He travelled far and wide in his life and he met her when he visited Italy. She first joined him in America where they lived for a year but it just wasn't the life they wanted to live. They both loved freedom and the outdoors. So a year later they decided to try and live off the grid away from society. They chose Italy part because of the climate and part because they both loved it here.

It was a joy to listen to his story and had Adriana not interrupted us, I could listen to Jerry talk all day. She just got back from a walk and brought a basket full of mushrooms. Jerry introduced us and we immediately got along.

I told them my story and described what was troubling me. They told me I was safe there, away from everything and everyone that wished me harm and offered me to stay the night.

I could hear them talking downstairs in the morning. I figured they were having breakfast so I went down to join them.

When Jerry saw me, he extended his arm in the direction of the kitchen table. He sat opposed to me next to Adriana.

"We have just discussed what you've told us yesterday and we wish to tell you that we understand, probably better than anyone. As you already know, we both dislike urban areas and everything it brings with it. Technology, laws, jobs, taxes, you know... That's why we have a proposition for you. Seeing as you have nowhere to go and we could use an extra set of hands, We're offering you to stay with us."

"I ... I ..."

I couldn't help myself but stutter. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Two people who I hardly knew offered me a place to stay after knowing me for no longer than a single evening.

I weighed out my options and soon realised I didn't have any. This was not just the only option I had, it was also an awesome option.

"I would love to. I do warn you though, I don't know a thing about living ... out ... here."

"Don't you worry about that, we'll teach you everything," Jerry chuckled. "You'll join Adriana on her hike today and hopefully find some fruit. Unless you want to help me with chopping up wood?"

"I'll go with Adriana. I don't think I can even lift that axe, let alone wield it." I laughed.

I've lived with Jerry and Adriana for 8 months now and I couldn't have been happier. I got used to living away from everything and I started to enjoy the absence of technology. Having been away from everything with a camera or GPS I also knew I was safe from my alleged soulmate Wyatt. The house was big enough for the three of us and I have even learned how to chop wood.

I later learned they couldn't have children and overtime I filled that role. We became one happy family.

Perhaps knowing your soulmate does bring happiness after all.

Just maybe not in the expected way.

The end

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Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Next writing prompt:

"Being obsessed with online video games for years, one morning you wake up a lvl 1 mage in an MMORPG."

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