[Short story] #24 - Mission Erased - Part 2

The writing prompt was:

"Mission Erased: an alien is transferred into a human body on a supposed research mission, but something goes wrong and he doesn't remember the mission, his training or any information about Earth, just his normal life on his home planet from before joining the program..."

Provided by @rocking-dave


Image provided by @rocking-dave, the same awesome dude that gave the idea for this story

Click here for part 1

Downstairs was a larger room, no tidier than the rest of what I've seen and it was crowded with humans.

Humans sitting in chairs, behind desks, laying down in Sofas watching TV, eating and drinking and they were all wearing a lot of clothing.

A female behind the counter shouted at me as soon as she saw me and pointed at my crotch. Apparently it was wrong to wear underwear. Or maybe it was wrong to wear nothing but underwear. I couldn't tell.

What puzzled me more was the fact a human had been yelling at me. After all, we have enslaved humans millennia ago. They were physically similar to us enough to do chores, yet still distinguishable so as not to be mistaken for an Oolkin.

Was I brought into a world reverse of mine, where humans ruled and Oolkins served?

The overly masculine female creature kept going on and on in some overly blunt language and I thought perhaps it was because I wasn't human myself. Still, I looked down if there was anything else that could have upset her, since she was pointing there.

"What the...?" I stared at my feet first and then at my hands. "Where is my silver lining? Where is all my cyborg stuff?" I muttered in shock.

I looked over up the woman, still yelling, and ran back upstairs and into the room I woke up in.

For some reason I didn't notice it before. My legs looked completely human. My arms, abdomen and whatever else I could see also. The silver stripes running along my limbs, what separated Oolkins from humans, were nowhere to be found. Instead, My legs and arms were covered in hair.

I looked under the piece of clothing I was wearing and collapsed on the bed the moment I caught a glance of what was hiding underneath.

I had a human penis.

And as I was sitting down on the bed, I caught a glance of my reflection in a turned off TV mounted on the wall.

I had a human face also.

I just stared at my reflection, gently touching my face with my palms.

"How? How is this possible?"

knock knock *

The same woman I had encountered downstairs, yelling at me, was now in front of the door, speaking with a much calmer tone.

I figured she wasn't hostile and opened the door. She had brought me fresh clothes, and I could tell she liked the way I looked by the blushing of her cheeks.

"Do you speak English, hum... Ma'am?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Sorry, I did not know you were a foreigner" she answered with a very strong accent.

Click here for part 3

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In case you enjoy writing, I am hosting a writing contest myself where I don't give you a writing prompt, but instead I give you different challenges that hinder your writing.
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Gif provided by no other than the awesome @rocking-dave

Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:

"Your idea here"

Provided by: @"yournamehere"

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