Magic of Crystals - Mystical Moldavite

Today the Crystal I am going to write about Moldavite, it's said that this one arrived from an outer space millions of years ago when there was a big bang in the universe. It does not have the normal crytalline structure like the other odd crystals, but due to its metaphysical properties its deemed to be a crystal.

It's believed that approximately 10 to 11 million years ago a giant meteorite hit the earth and when this happened the surrounding rock metamorphessed into a glass like non crystalline structure and this infused the power of cosmic energy into mother earth which resulted into the ultimate Moldavite

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When I was doing my studies on Crystals and the very first time my teacher mentioned about this particular one, instantly there was an attraction and I wanted to have one of my own. As its said when the student is ready the teacher appears and so is the case with crystals, the crystal only comes to the user when it sees there is a purpose for them in their life. So for years I was unsuccessful in getting one, but a few months ago it just happened instantly and my little wonder finally came to me as a blessing.

As you will see this image you will see the transparency of Moldavite, also you will see the unique formation of this one which is so unlike other Crystals.


The properties of Moldavite is that it helps us to integrate at all levels. It creates an overall well-being for oneself. It helps us to raise our consciousness, assist us in accessing higher dimensions and at the same time keeping us grounded. It is very very important for everyone to be grounded cause that is where the physical reality exist. Moldavite assist us in raising our vibrations to higher frequencies. When we are able to raise our energy vibrations to higher levels life automatically happens to us beautiful and smooth. We become much more receptive to the universal energies.

It helps us raise your awareness, and with that we feel detached from unnecessary drama and mundane issues of life. It helps one with physical and spiritual integration which is what we all aim for as an ultimate in our physical lives.

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Absolutely a NO to be used for children.

Moldavite use is purely meant for spiritual growth hence one should use it in meditation on Third Eye Chakra.

The very first tine I used it in my meditation I almost felt like I was floating, it gives amazing spiritual experiences.

If you are on the path of reformation then Moldavite is one best crystal for use.

It's a rare Crystal not very commonly found, hence when you buy it ensure the source is genuine.

Source of the Image- All the images are self clicked and personal.

Thank yoy for stopping by and reading my story of Moldavite.

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