Learn to be comfortable in UNCOMFORTABLE...teaching dance workshop with ZERO experience

Hey there Steemians! This happened last week...


Weird dances, old people and translating to the craziest slang version of language I've been learning just for 4 years - that's what came to my mind immediately after my Scottish friend Richard asked me if I could help him with his workshop on scottish dancing here in Innsbruck, Austria.


Let's be honest here real quick...There's a saying which goes "You rarely get a free lunch in this world". And it's true.
So what was my seflish part thinking, why should I go, what could I gain from this? I don't give a fuck about Scottish traditional dances and even less fucks about retired Austrians meaningfully spending their evenings. There are much more enjoyable ways how to spend a free time than demonstrating and translating dance moves to 70 year old grannies, who on top of that speak the craziest german slang of them all. So what I've done that evening? Well, exactly that...

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So why did I go then?

I mean...I'm glad I could help Richard. At the end of the day, it's always good to earn some extra karma points :D But I also wanted something for myself...I wanted to be uncomfortable. Yeah, you read right, I wanted to feel bad and embarassed, to have all these eyes on me while not knowing what I'm doing and rambling some random German words.

WTF? Is that some kind of fetish of yours? Do you like being uncomfortable?

Well, I don't like it. But I'm trying to get better at it. If you regularly and willingly put yourself into these situations, you'll suddenly realize your real-life uncomfortable situations are actually not that bad or that they are not even uncomfortable anymore.


I noticed this for the first time last year after I've started training brazilian jiu-jitsu. I found myself locked in the matted cellar without windows, with sweaty guys trying to break my limbs apart or choke me unconscious, all this while barely surviving on the oxygen supply anyways. After undergoing this daily for several months, I've suddenly realised I can keep myself calm and composed during situations I've found catastrophic before. Problems at work, super angry boss, badly going presentation in the university? Not that big deal anymore...I've learnt how to be comfortable in uncomfortable


Hmm, how to sum this up now....I'm not saying you should storm to the closest shop, buy the newest Gillete Tripple Turbo 9000 razors, start cutting your skin and hope you'll be able to ignore your angry boss tomorrow. If it works, well, then good for you...But my point is, that there's some advantage of putting yourself to uneasy situations. You learn a lot about yourself like that and despite it might sound like a bullshit, eventually these tense situations make your life easier.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [Crypto data science #1] Programmatical analysis of 200k bitcoin tweets BEFORE and AFTER correction
  2. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  3. Creative home workout for your GRIP & PULLING with just 2 towels....and ONE DOG :)
  4. [Skydive jump] How 10 minutes destroyed my next 2 weeks, but enhanced many of upcoming years
  5. 10minute freewrite SCHIZOPHRENIC entry - Same topic, 2 points of view, 2 entries...CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE!

Mother tongue version

Najdi komfort v nekomfortnej situacii

Cavte! Toto vsetko sa udialo este minuly tyzden..


Zvlastne tanecky, stari ludia a prekladanie do najtazsieho narecia v jazyku, ktory sa ucim len 4 roky - to je to co ma napadlo ihned po tom, co ma moj Skotsky kamarat poprosil o pomoc s jeho seminarom na temu typickych skotskych tancov tu v Innsbrucku.


Nalejme si rychlo cisteho vina...Ako hovorime s mojimi kamosmi, "Pozvanie na obed nikdy nie je zadarmo".
Co sa teda dialo v mojej hlave, preco by som mu mal ist pomoct, co by som z toho teoreticky mal ja? Absolutne ma nezaujimaju skotske narodne tance a este viac su mi ukradnuti rakuski dochodcovia a to, ci zmysluplne travia ich popoludnia. Su predsa tisice zaujimavejsich sposobov ako travit volny cas nez demonstrovat a prekladat tanecne kroky 70 rocnym rakuskym babickam, ktore este k tomu nerozpravaju ani nemecky, ale ich specialnou skomoleninou -
tirolsky. Co som teda v ten vecer robil? Hmm, presne to, demonstroval a prekladal :)...

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To preco si tam isiel?

V prvom rade...isiel by som tak ci tak, lebo mam Richarda rad. A samozrejme, karma body navyse sa vzdy zijdu :D Ale chcel som samozrejme aj nieco pre seba...Chcel som sa citit neprijmne. Ano, citate spravne, chcel som sa citit neprijemne, mat na sebe 30 parov oci pocas toho ako poriadne ani neviem co robim a zaroven to prekladam do jazyka, ktory vobec este dostatocne neovladam...

He? To mas nejaky fetis? Ze si uzivas citit sa neprijemne?

Noo, ja si to neuzivam. Ale snazim sa stat sa v tom lepsi. Ak sa pravidelne a naschval postavite do tychto situacii, po case si uvedomite, ze ostatne nekomfortne situacie vo Vasom zivote koniec-koncov vobec niesu tak neprijemne..alebo dokonca niesu vobec neprijemne.


Toto som si uvedomil minuly rok po tom co som zacal trenovat jiu-jitsu. Zamknuty v pivnici so zinienkami a bez okien, vsade hmlisto zo vsetkych tych spotenych ludi, ktori sa mi snazia bud zlomit alebo vyklbit koncatiny, pripadne ma uskrtit do bezvedomia a to vsetko pocas toho, co uz aj tak ledva prezivam kvoli zadychaniu a nedostatku kyslika. Po par mesiacoch prezivania tohoto DENNE som si zrazu uvedomil, ze viem zachovat chladnu hlavu v situaciach, kedy som v minulosti vyslovene panikaril. Problemy v praci, nahnevany sef alebo zle prebiehajuca prezentacia v skole? Zrazu to uz niesu vobec take hrozne veci...Naucil som sa citit komfortne v nekomfortnej situacii


Hmm, jako to teraz zosumarizovat....Nevravim, ze musite teraz bezat do najblizsieho obchodu, kupit si najnovsie Gillete Triple Turbo 9000 ziletky, zacat si rezat ruky a dufat, ze vdaka tomu budete zajtra schopny ignorovat nasraneho sefa. Pokial Vam to funguje, tak nedbam, dobre pre Vas.... Ja som ale chcel povedat, ze pokial sa aj nachadzate v zlej situacii, vzdy sa to da vyuzit, naucit sa nieco viac o sebe. Osobne si myslim, ze je dokonca dobre taketo situacie vyhladavat. Aj ked to mozno znie ako uplna blbost, ale z mojej skusenosti mozem povedat, ze zlozite situacie robia vlaste zivot lahsim.

Diks za precitanie!

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