Iran: Yazd, Meybod and idle musings

The following is just a stream of consciousness... dark, unrefined


So the time has come to move north to the border with Turkey to try and get a ship across the Atlantic and now I'm yet again clothed up and freezing.
Winter is the most dismal time of year and even in Iran it is already uncomfortable. The leaves are getting yellow and are falling to the ground, lush in the summer gardens become bleak and grey.
Because of all that I had to postpone my visit to the northern Iraq (I would also have to concern myself with visa which is undesirable right now) and direct my gaze across the ocean.


Sofreh, a traditional Persian seat

That said, the way to the Mediterranean shore lies through the mountains of Kurdistan which doesn't bode me well since I'm quite limited in terms of warm clothes I can have.
My backpack is already bigger than me and it's only going to get worse. By the way, today I was looking at this backpack thinking just how cool it was - it's been with me through so many crazy adventures in the past and never let me down, never tore or got seriously damaged.
And literally an hour later a fastener on its flap breaks. It still works but now I need to fix it ASAP.


I will also have to fix my camera which got its screen scratched all over during my trip. Without a proper sheath it's getting damaged fast. On the upside I might even polish it myself...
Anyway, now I'm in Yazd, enjoying this old and unique city which looks as something out of eastern fairytale, and it seems like it inspired the concept of Hlaalu architecture in TES III: Morrowind.




This is a castle in Meybod

In the aforementioned castle I met a beautiful girl named Marzieh, who invited me in her family's house:

That's us


Pigeon unrelated

To be continued...

Previous post: Iran, trip to Shiraz and the ruins of Persepolis

Check out my travel blog:
Iran: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Tajikistan: 7, 8, 9, 10
Kyrgyzstan: 4, 5, 6
Kazakhstan: 1, 2, 3

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