The AI Paradox: Artificial Intelligence From Outer Space... But WHOSE Exactly?

Data stored in our DNA and sent through our bones and our brains plugged into Google's Cloud?

In fact somebody asked me a few days ago if I was a sci-fi writer because what I was talking about sounded like chinese to him. I have often witnessed that most people love sci-fi but once you tell them "it is HERE now", they generally flip out or do not want to know. 

The clues for our technology not having  "earthian origins" are beginning to abound to the point that it is not only fascinating but overwhelming. We, as a species, are about to embark on a unknown territory.  The shift is mere 10 years  head. The Earth Custodian Movement was created as an alternative and to send a forceful message throughout the web: that Humans will not be coerced into joining the Hive Mind Cloud, nor any  Hunger-Game-Society-like schemes in any fashion. This technology belongs to outer space and has to return where it came from, along with all those choosing extreme augmentation and to become cyborgs.  There exists a paradigm for each reality. Theirs and Ours are simply incompatible and lethally antagonistic.  Lethal for earthians.

Earth Custodians do not reject the idea of longer life spans achieved with the  mastery of light/electricity/sonoluminescence, any Living Geometry and Epigenetics driven sciences. Etc. Yes it is possible to put megacomputers to work for those who choose to remain humans, live for the betterment of Humanity and are guided by the metaphysics of Light --

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about the AI topic, and keep doing your home work, find out for yourself. The truth is out there, really!  

Scientists Successfully Store Computer File In DNA - Total DNA Programming Of Humans On Demand

4 March 2017 GMT -  .............  The scientists also proved the DNA strands -- and the embedded files --  could be infinitely replicated through a polymerase chain reaction  without creating any coding errors..... Though DNA synthesis is currently quite pricey, the costs may shrink as technologies improve. "We can do more of the heavy lifting on the computer to take the burden off time-intensive molecular coding," Erlich said.

Artificial life breakthrough as researchers reveals first 'alien' organisms built with synthetic DNA

 The  researchers from Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California  describe the modified microbes as an opportunity to 'create organisms  with wholly unnatural attributes and traits not found elsewhere in  nature.' In  future, the research could lead to the creation of microbes capable of  manufacturing entirely new proteins, which could provide leads to new  medicines and nanotechnology breakthroughs. The researchers first managed to create these organisms in 2014, but they didn't stay alive for very long.Now, the team has figured out how to keep the bacteria alive and pass their synthetic DNA on when they replicate. Read more:

Is the answer to life, the universe and everything 37?

16 December 2014  -- So you're an alien seeding primordial Earth  with life. Like any creator, you sign your work. Now we may have found  that signature – in the genetic code   --  A cosmologist and astrobiologist at the Fesenkov Astrophysical  Institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Makukov says the numbers reveal that  all terrestrial life came from outer space. Not only that, it was  planted on Earth by intelligent aliens. Billions of years ago, the  planet was barren and lifeless. But then, at some distant and unknowable  moment, it was seeded with what Makukov calls an “intelligent-like  signal” – a signal that is too orderly and intricate to have occurred  randomly. This signal, he says, is in our genetic code. Highly preserved across  cosmological timescales, it has been waiting there, like an encrypted  message, for anyone qualified to read it. All of the teeming varieties  of life on Earth – from kangaroos and daffodils to albatrosses and us –  carry it within them. And now Makukov, along with his mentor,  mathematician Vladmir shCherbak of the al-Farabi Kazakh National  University in Almaty, claims to have cracked it. If they are right, the  answer to life, the universe and everything is… 37. “Most biologists will agree there is a contribution to the origin of life on Earth from cosmic sources”  

 Scientists add letters to DNA alphabet to create ‘semisynthetic’ life

25 Jan, 2017 06:31    Scientists have created a new “unnatural” organism by expanding the  letters in the genetic alphabet. Unlike previous attempts, this  bacteria-based lifeform turned out to be more “life-like.” The genetic alphabet encodes the biological information of all types of  life on Earth. It is made up of four letters that form two base pairs -  the DNA double helix.  However, a team of scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in La  Jolla, California have created a lab organism that has been modified to  add two more letters, giving it a genetic code of six letters. The team, whose work is published in the Proceedings of the National  Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal, have shown that their single-celled  organism can hold on indefinitely to the synthetic base pair as it  divides.  "We've made this semisynthetic organism more life-like," senior author  of the study Professor Floyd Romesberg said in a statement...... "We can now get the light of life to stay on,” Romesberg said. “That suggests that all of life's processes can be subject to manipulation."

Smart Phones Will Send Data THROUGH YOUR BONES Next 

Whose Exactly?

 German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella  (
Off-Planet AI   The unknowns involved in artificial intelligence loom over humanity.  Harald Kautz-Vella says, “Most of the people in the world are wrong when  they think that AI is something that we [meaning humans on earth] have  developed. True to some extent. But there is a second type of AI that is  much older and not of terrestrial origin that we are facing. Hard to  prove, but it’s looks like the AI we are working on is seeded by these  original extraterrestrial AI.” ...............  AI is a binary system. It can self-replicate, but it cannot create. We  humans are a TRINARY system. In Sanskrit this is often termed the  Triadic Heart. What it means is that we have the ability to reach into  our Heart Chakra, connect with our Source, and bring God-Consciousness  into manifestation. We trinary humans with our seven chakra system, can  create. 

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting!!       


Living Geometry Does Matter Because It Represents The Building Blocks of Life!

Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter

Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction

AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare?

From Programmable Matter To *BLACK Goo* , The Sentient Substance

The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth  Custodians call    for    the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to  promote  conflict resolutions. Different but not new, because  such  concepts   were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys  to grasp  the   unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power   structures, and  as how to  overcome them as well. Mainstream  Psychology is on its  death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way ahead   of the curve, and if it takes one generation for a money-free society to  take shape, that shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action, and  using  money to spread the word until a critical mass (20% of   population) is  reached.   

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