7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #4 Born In Babylon

Among young generation, my hometown Trencin is also known as reggae & dancehall Mekka. Every weekend, there were pretty big names visiting little night bar called Tropical. It's hard just to think that they've demolished it couple of years ago.


During these years, I was addicted to this album. No joke! It's just such a positive music I can't really imagine anyone who would not like it. It's kinda funny that parallel to this I also listened to rap music full of vulgarisms :D As they say:

Everyone has at least one inner self.

Anyway as I've mentioned already, big reggae names were pretty common of Friday parties in Trencin. But SOJA never came. Till this year's edition of Pohoda Festival which I've actually even wrote about HERE. I knew every song by heart :) No joke again!

Medzi mladymi je na Slovensku Trencin znamy aj ako reggae & dancehall Mekka. Skoro kazdy tyzden boli v piatky v Tropical bare koncerty relativne vyznamnych interpretov. Docela to boli, ked si clovek uvedomi, ze nam Tropical pred par rokmi zburali.


Pocas strednej som bol na tomto albume zavisly. No joke! Je to tak paradna a pozitrivna hudba, ze si neviem predstavit aby sa niekomu nepacila. Smiesne je, ze som zaroven takejto hudby pocuval aj ultra tvrde slovenske rapy :D

Kazdy ma aspon jednu skrytu osobnost, ci?

Kazdopadne, ako som uz spomenul, znamy interpreti u nas boli skoro kazdy tyzden. SOJA vsak nikdy neprisla. Az do tohtorrocnej pohody o ktorej som aj napisal post TU. Spieval som kazdu pesnicku naspamat. Nevtipkujem!

OMG :DD I can't just choose 3 or 4 or even 5 songs!! Fuck it's just too hard :) Well, I for sure can't skip Rest of my life..It was our mentality those days 100%...
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people,
I would do it over and over again! :)
No doriti! Ja fakt nedokazem vybrat ani len 5 najlepsich z albumu :D Je to proste moc tazke. Urcite vsak nemozem vynechat Rest of my life. Vystihuje to strednu.
Keby som mohol stravit zvysok zivota s priatelmi,
urobil by som to vzdy a bez lutosti! :)

Every decision to choose just one song hurts, just so you know :DD Next one is probably Thunderstorms. I'm singing it by heart right now while writing this. Kinda personal too ;)
Kazde rozhodnutie vybrat len jendu boli, len aby ste vedeli. Dalsia je Thunderstorms. Haha spievam si ju tu naspamet popri tom ako toto pisem. Mam na nu aj docela osobne spomienky ;)

Swingers without sex

Haha all SOJA songs are kinda about love. One night, this last song triggered love avalanche in us :D We were spending night at one of my friend's house, this one was on, we smoked and drank everything what was smokable and drinkable :D And then just hugged and hugged and hugged...and sang :D "Yo bro, kiss me, no shame!" :D

Swingers bez sexu

Haha vsetky SOJA pesnicky su aspon trochu o laske. Jednu noc v nas tato dalsia pesnicka spustila doslova lavinu lasky :D Boli sme na baraku u jednoho kamosa, hrala tato pesnicka, vyfajcili a vypili vsetko co sa vyfajcit a vypit dalo a potom sa len dokola objimali a toto spievali :D "Bracho, pobozkaj ma bez hanby!"

Rules and my nomination

Well, I'm too lazy to write the rules here. But you can check out @pipiczech and her post, where are the rules.

And regarding my nomination, I've picked @milkabustamante. Just because she's cool AF :D

Thx for reading!

Pravidla a nominacia

Joooj, pravidla sa mi fakt nechce prepisovat. Mozte ich checknut u @pipiczech a jej poste.

No a co sa tyka mojej nominacie, tak som sa rozhodol pre @milkabustamante. Len preto, ze je proste cool :D

Diks za precitanie!


You can find my latest posts here:

  1. I have the most beautiful grannie EVER so where's the #familyphotography contest ????
  2. How I trained my "finger skills" as 16 year old ;)
  3. I should have done my research beforehand :) ** water drops photoshoot struggle **
  4. [DLive Vlog #4] We have a slackline in the middle of living room!! ** no clickbait **
  5. My Actifit Report Card: July 24 2018 - This won't stop me!! **late night motivation rant**


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