I know Jack Shit about photography ... aka My first "photoshoot"

DSC01636.JPG This triumphal arch in Innsbruck city centre was built in 1765 on the occasion of the wedding of Archduke Leopold.


Last weekend was the first summer weekend of the year here in Innsbruck. At least weather-wise. I also got a new camera couple of days ahead of it so I thought I'll take the camera for a walk and test it out. I know Jack Shit about photography really. Last camera I had was like 10 years ago and I bought it for myself for Chrismas :) It's probably still in family possession but I have no idea where it actually is. But it was exactly around time when mirror cameras started to come to mainstream. Since then, I didn't really keep up with this field. Now I bought this low mid-end camera and it has soooo many settings it's driving me crazy :D

Before I felt confident enough to leave my room, I've watched like 2 hours of tutorials :D But I feel it was worth it, got quite a lot of nice shots and what's even more important, I feel I got a grasp of it pretty fast. Won't really have any time for photography as of now, but I'm pretty excited that I understood the basics at least. I feel this field is a worm hole :)

ISO, shutter, aperture, focus mode, focus area - GO!


Minuly vikend bol prvy letny vikend tohto roku. Aspon co sa tyka pocasia. Par dni predtym mi prisiel fotak, co som kupil z nejakeho bazaru a tak som sa rozhodol zobrat ho vonku na prechadzku a vyskusat co dokaze. O fotografovani nemam ani paru. Posledny fotak som si kupil pred cca 10timi rokmi na Vianoce :) Myslim, ze sa stale potuluje niekde po rodine, ale vlastne ani neviem, kde je. Bol to uplne obycajny digitalny fotak. V tom case akurat zacinali na trh prichadzad zrkadlovky. Odvtedy som sa o fotoaparaty vobec nezaujimal. No a teraz som si kupil tuto slabsiu mid-end bezzrkadlovku a ide ma z tolkych settings porazit.

Predtym nez som si veril vyjst z izby, pozrel som si minimalne 2 hodiny YT tutorialov. Mam ale pocit, ze to stalo za to - spravil som par dost peknych fotos a niektore su (myslim si) zasluha mojich settings. Najdolezitejsie je, ze som sa ale znova naucil nieco nove. Nemam na to momentalne fakt ziaden cas, ale tesi ma, ze som pochopil aspon zaklady :)

ISO, shutter, aperture, focus mode, focus area - SPUST!

This is also my entry for today´s #architecturalphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

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  2. Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 3 - Fasting]
  3. Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 2 - dumpdving]
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  5. Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade
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