Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade



I've taken this pic earlier today walking through the old town. I actually thought it's a #streetphotography day so I thought this could be a nice entry. As I've just found out, it's a #colourfulphotography day. Well, no problem :D

These tiny colourful houses lining the Inn's riverside, all crouching under the Nordkette massive is the most popular photography done in Innsbruck. What I love the most on my version are those rainbow flags. There's a CSD parade this weekend. It takes place every year and I hope I'll find time to go watch it this weekend as well.

Colors, colors, colors..and equality!


Foto som spravit dnes doobedu, kracajuc cez stare centrum mesta. Myslel som, ze dnes je #streetphotography den a napadlo ma, ze by to bol super entry. Prave zistujem, ze dnes je #colourfulphotography. Hmm, pohoda, to sedi tiez :D

Tieto farebne domceky lemujuce rieku Inn a to vsetko ucupene pod velkym masivom Nordkette je asi najcastejsia a najznamejsia foto Innsbrucku. Co je vsak na tejto mojej foto spesl, su tie duhove pride vlajky. Tento vikend je tu CSD parade. Deje sa kazdy rok a dufam, ze najdem cez vikend cas tam vybehnut a pozriet si sprievod.

Farby, farby, farby...a nadchadzajuca CSD parade!

This is also my entry for today´s #colourfulphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

All rewards for this post will be used in the upcoming challenge I've set for myself starting on Friday, 1st of June!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
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