Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 3 - fasting]


Sooo the last day of my challenge was yesterday and it went pretty well. I got new 5.85 dollars -> 5 euros to spend. And on top of that I had 50cents left from Friday and 1.8 euros left from Saturday. But cuz everything is closed on Sundays, I couldn't spend them.


Vcera bol posledny den mojej challenge :) A prebehol vpohode. Co sa tyka financii, mal som 1.9 eura z predchdzajucich dni a novych 5.85 dollarov -> presne 5 eur za posty a kommenty z piatku. No kedze je vsetko zavrete, nemohol som ich nikde minut :)

Barter activity

Since I'm not really used to eat pasta and I've had it 2 times in the previous days I felt pretty bloated. That's why I've decided to do kind of fasting which could do both - help me save some extra money in the challenge + help my gut feel better. I've changed my 2 tuna cans for 3 beetroots and 2 apples with my flatmate and decided to make a big veggie smoothie for the whole day.


Nothing special - 3 beetroots, 2 apples, carrots from Friday, cucumber from Saturday, tomato from the trashcan.

Vymenny obchod

Kedze niesom moc zvyknuty jest cestoviny a od piatku som ich jedol dvakrat, citil som sa nejaky zvlastne nafuknuty. Napadlo ma preto, ze dat si taky polovicny post by mohlo jednak usetrit nejake peniaze a dostat sa po x2 multiplier a zaroven je to aj zdrave. Vymenil som preto 2 tuniakov za 3 cervene repy a dve jablka so spolubyvajucim a spravil si velku zeleninovo ovocnu stavu na cely den.


Nic specialne - 3 cervene repy, 2 jablka, mrkva z piatka, uhorka zo soboty a rajcina zo smetaku :D




After whole day of kind of fasting, I didn't want to stuff myself hard so despite being hungry AF, I opted for something light and decided to finish the FETA cheese I bought yesterday. On top of it I had two boiled eggs anf veggies are mix of dumpdiving trophies and bought ones.


Po celom dni polohladovania som sa nechces zasa napratat. Preto som napriek brutalnemu hladu veceral len trochu vacsi salat. Uvaril som si dve vajicka + som dojedol fetu, ktoru som vcera kupil. Rajcina a paprika zo smetaku a salat zo soboty.


What is left

Well, not even did I manage to save some money, I even have some extra food for the next days. There should be little bit less rice if I cooked it myself and didn't eat the one from my friend. Also, I've forgotten to put eggs on my yesterday picture. But don't think Im lying here! You can see those eggs on the receipt.

Co mi zostava

No nakoniec som nielenze usetril nejake peniaze, ale mam dokonca aj nejake zvysne jedlo na dalsie dni. Na obrazku by malo byt trosku menej ryze, kedze som miesto mojej jedol uz uvarenu od spolubyvajuceho. Taktiez som si prave uvedomil, ze na vcerajsej foto z nakupu chybali vajicka, ktore stale mam. Na blocku ich ale mozete vidiet

Extra food :)

Experiment results

Despite having extra 7.3 euros right now, I don't really feel that the experiment was succesfull. On saturday evening, I had to use some extra money to pay for beers + in general, I'm multiplying rewards by 3. And also, I haven't really eaten as healthy as I would like to - e.g pasta and canned beans don't really sound that healty IMO. But either way, I've made it out alive and now I'm off to bed cuz Im suuuuuperhungry after todays' fasting session :)

Vysledky experimentu

Napriek tomu, ze mam momentalne pri sebe 7.3 eur navyse, musim priznat, ze experiment uspesny nie je. Jednak som v sobotu vecer vonku minul omnoho viac ako moje steemit rewards + som si celkovo vsetko nasobil troma. No a este som k tomu aj nejedol az tak zdravo - cestoviny a konzervovana fazula mi neprijde ako uplny ideal. Kazdopadne som prezil, dakujem vsetkym za podporu a teraz uz idem spat, lebo som ultra hladny z toho dnesneho hladovania :)

Thanks for reading!

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 1]
  3. Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 2 - dumpdving]
  4. Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade
  5. Saturday Ulog #2: Champions league finals in La Komuna!
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