Rewards from Wednesday
So let's see how much money did I receive for my Steemit activity? Will I be able to buy something to eat at all? :DSK
Rewards zo stredy
Podme sa teda pozriet na to, ake budu moje financne moznosti v prvy den - Piatok. Budem vobec nieco moct zjest? :DTiny problem
Well, those rewards for grilling post look promising right?. The problem is that according to the rules, they are unlocked after 48 hours. Which will be at 10pm, when all the shops are closed. That leaves me with 4.14 dollars -> 3.54 euros for first part of the day! Well, it's not that bad so I'll try to save as much as possible and hopefully save some food for the next days and in general survive with just x2 rewards multiplier.Let's go shopping - Mpreis with 3.54 euros
Maly problem
No, ta odmena za grill post vyzera slubne, ze? Problem je, ze podla pravidiel mozem tu odmenu vyuzit az za 48 hodin, coz je o desiatej vecer, kedy su uz vsetky obchody zavrete. To znamena ze na prvy dnesny nakup mam mam len 4.14 dollars -> 3.54 euros! Hmm to neznie az tak hrozne. Skusim teda nejake jedlo usetrit na sobotu a mozno sa nakoniec celkovo za 3 dni vmestim aj pod x2 multiplier. To by bol uspech!Tak podme na nakup - Mpreis s 3.54 eurami
First place to go - discount section :) / Prva sekcia kam som siel - zlavy! :)
Cheapest veggies - carrots / Najlacnejsia zelenina v obchode - mrkva
I didn't even spend all the money! / Nakoniec som ani vsetko neminul!
2nd shopping session - afternoon
This time I went to a special shop,where only expired food is being sold. If you don't mind, you can get some totally cheap stuff there. I had those 50 cents left from before + new 1.10 euros for @kiefpreston comment.Druhy nakup dna - poobede
Tentokrat som siel do Tiso-marktu. Specialny obchod, kde sa predavaju veci len po zaruke :D Pokial s tym clovek nema problem, najde tam fakt ultra lacne veci. Mal som zvysnych 50 centov plus novych 1.10 za kiefpreston koment.
Cheapest shop in Innsbruck for sure / Isto najlacnejsi obchod v IBK.
Everything expired :D / Vsetko po zaruke :D
Lovely 6 bio eggs - 13 days after expiry date :D / 6 paradnych bio vajicok, 13 dni po expiracii.
They were pretty surprised, when I asked for receipt / Ked som si vypytal blocek, celkom ich to prekvapilo.
Well, I've managed the day just with three main dishes. I felt slightly hungry the whole day but most western world people are just fat fucks and we overeat daily. So I was a counter balance today :) I've had bananas in between foods. It was a pretty carb-heavy day but I had a short workout in the morning + full bjj session start in an hour so not that bad.Jedla
Tak nakoniec budem mat len 3 jedla za den. Cely den sa citim trosicku hladny ale cely zapadniarsky svet su prejedajuci sa tucni ludia, tak som aspon bol dnes protivaha :) Medzi jednotlivymi jedlami som jedol banany. Za cely den to bolo dost vela carbohydratov ale rano som mal rychly workout a za hodku mi zacina trening, takze by to malo byt vpohode.
Brunch around 11:30am / Brunch o 11:30
Well, you can call me a cheater on this one but my friend cooked a loot of rice with quinoa for the whole LaKomuna. I could cook a plain rice for me but then his rice would go bad so I've just taken his one / Teraz mozte povedat, ze svindlujem, no spolubyvajuci navaril kooopu ryze s quinoou na cely vikend. Mohol som si navarit specialnu nudnu ryzu pre seba, no potom by sme isto nieco museli vyhodit. Tak som proste jedol tu ryzu odneho.
All 250g of that spinach pasta with 6 eggs will be my post-bjj meal. Not sure if I'll manage to eat it all, if not, I'll save it for 2nd day of the challenge :) / Toto budem jest po treningu. 250 gramov nejakej spenatovej cestoviny a tych 6 vajec. Predpokladam, ze mi nieco z toho ostane aj na zajtra.
All rewards for this post will be used in the 3rd day of this Challenge - this Sunday.
You can find my latest posts here:
- [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
- Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards
- Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade
- Saturday Ulog #2: Champions league finals in La Komuna!
- Urban grilling season opening - no gas, no briquettes, no problem!