Where have you been, lost son? Welcome home!



It was 3am in the morning and whole town was asleep. Noone really cared that the "lost son" returned again. Only this guy greeted me..But with all he has to offer. Picture was taken several months ago, upon my late night arrival to my hometown. It's the very same castle I've posted in #goldenhourphotograpy several days ago in this post.

Some fun/hard facts:
  • Built in 11th century
  • One of the biggest castles in the central Europe
  • Never conquered
  • Inside is a Well of Love which has lot of legends regarding how it was built. One claims turkish general Omar has built it as a bail to get his captured wife Fatima back.

Welcome home Martin!


Boli 3 hodiny rano a cele mesto spalo. Nikoho nezaujimalo, ze "strateny syn" sa vratil. Len tento pan ma privital..Zato ale v celej svojej krase! Foto som spravil pred par mesiacmi, ked som prisiel na vikend domov. Samozrejme je to Trenciansky hrad ktory som napisal post aj pred par dnami v #goldenhourphotograpy a skoro nikomu sa nepacil :D

Par zaujimavosti:
  • Postaveny v 11. storoci
  • Jeden z najvacsich hradov strednej Europy
  • Nikdy nebol dobyty
  • Vovnutri je legendami opradena Studna Lasky - dufam, ze toto sa rata za romantiku a odcinil som moj alkoholicky preslap z minuleho postu.

Vitaj doma Martin!

This is also my entry for today´s #architecturalphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)
  3. 2 funny stories from my childhood
  4. My first live MMA event
  5. [Book quotes reactions #4] - "...outburst of decency from someone you don't like..."
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