Pronoia, A Mandala and A Promise ...

Have you ever made a Steemian a promise? I did .. many months ago, I did promise @everlove that I'd join her #CollaborativeArtJourney and I really have always tried but as you know .. there's a difference with trying and doing it.

Today, I finally get to do it and accomplished this.

The heavens have been weeping all day I was stuck inside with chores all done I got nothing more to do so I've waited for half an hour for the heavens to finally hush but to no avail.

Alright then.. I have to accept that there's no way I could do some gardening today besides, my lower back is aching a bit ~~ am just almost 40 but I guess lifting two huge pots to transplant my plums and digging all those deep holes that made me -had to bend every now and then must have caused it.

Stuck~~ ... I pulled the gym bag I've tried painting back in autumn when she had those shattered glass out for the #CollaborativeArtJourney. Well I got to finish till here ... I just couldn't decide back then what to do for a background till I saw that she put up another theme already ..shoot.

Pronoia strikes ... there'll be another chance I could use it again .. well at least I did try...

Thanks to the mandala, the heavens crying and my pronoia .. today became that day so .. I have to put off the post that was supposed to be up for today and started working on this.

Let's fast forward it already .. with a charcoal I drew only the center of the mandala on the shadow and just look at it to see what happens next.

some time in between box 5 and 6 ...

moving on...

  • How about you? Have you ever participated in everlove's #CollaborativeArtJourney?
  • Have you ever made someone a promise and have not fulfilled it yet?
  • What was it then? When do you intend to fulfill it? Would you dare spill?

I took all the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Have you been here for quite a long time? Read it, too won't hurt being reminded. Thank you.

Here you can find the other articles I wrote about art.

Pittige Tante
Ceramic Garden Decors
Antje and Her Paper Mache - Trullas
Irina And Her Bread Bins and Storage Jars Made From Barks of The Birch Tree, Pro - Sustainable Living
Udo and His Tree Drawers From Fallen Indigenous Park Trees , Pro - Sustainable Living
Optical Illusion from A Piece of A Metal Art
Free Form Sculptural Needle Felting
Made from Real Leaves - Pro - Sustainable Living
Gable Stones and Ornaments From Soapstones and French Limes
Wood is The New Hip But Which One?
An Ode From One Once Frustrated Minnow To One
Behind The Scenes of The Entries for This Week's Photo Challenge

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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