Haffanower: How Long?

Waiting. Always waiting. It seems like they said the food would be here days ago. Staring out the window, again. I've been here before. How long will this take? I just don't get it.

Oh! Didn't see you there.

It's your favorite, @nonameslefttouse the writer himself here. While I wait for those assholes to come back with my soy sauce, I thought I'd take a moment to update this blog. Seems like I've not been able to get on this thing for at least seven half hours. I just don't get it.

I've so much to tell you people. Some serious shit has being going down on my end ever since I left to get the door about seven half hours ago, and I just don't get it.

No jokes either. When I say serious, I mean serious. Just like when I say soy sauce, I want soy sauce.

I've decided to keep a running tab of events. I'll start with a disclaimer first, of course. When you're dealing with meth heads, it's always best to warn people. Then I'll get into the facts.

It's going to be a huge success here, I just know it. Here are my projections.

My First Chart

HaffanowerVotesBling Level
Episode 144$29.28
Episode 261$0.61
Episode 312$0.27
Episode 437$27.34
Episode 557$0.65
Episode 6 *WIP

So as you can see, I'm betting the farm on this one. I'm certain I can easily achieve these goals, but I know I'll be silently hoping it does better. I'm even willing to go as far as guaranteeing two or three of the first few episodes will be mentioned on a certain guilds list of honorable mentions. If that were to happen, I might even feel good about my skills. Nothing wrong with setting the bar high.

I have no idea how many updates it will take to be able to explain the entire story. Events are about to take place as I write this. I hope I have time. I'm certain it'll be finished in under six months.

So that's all I really have for n...

Knock Knock

Who's there? Is it Meth one and Meth two? Did Meth two find out what tits are? Oh shit! Maybe it's the FBI? Did @nonameslefttouse manage to confuse his audience again? Soy sauce? Does that say "Applaws?" WTF?

Stay Tuned

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