continued discussion Atheist~Christian. How do you know? Gaslighting. Delusion. How many Jesuses?

Nah ah aaaah... You still haven't answered my questions. Play fair, come on.

This is a continuation of the discussion with @abolitionist here.

Reality Time

Abo, what's happening is this:

Instead of discussing honestly, you've created another imaginary character – THE NIHILIST. You've superimposed THE NIHILIST onto me because you think you have a good argument against nihilism. I've already told you I'm not a nihilist.

Smokescreen effect or gaslighting

You are debating someone that does not exist (at least not in this series of discussions). You're being dishonest.

More imaginary characters

I know you like talking to imaginary characters, but it's difficult for me to engage with fictional beings and even more so for me to become a fictional being for the sake of your game.

I've already discussed my world view, repeatedly. Try to concentrate when you read.


Looool. My views and opinions are heavily supported by reality and logic. Yours are totally contradicted by reality and logic. You are the delusional one.

Back to how I know

Just for you, I've created this little pic to use instead of the BOLD paragraph.

qualified knowledge bold para.jpg

I made one for you too. You're welcome :)
qualified knowledge christian.jpg

Just for fun...

how do you know the gospel according to Mark was written by someone who KNEW that Jesus was real?

how do you know Mark wasn't just a propagandist?

how do you know that Rabbi Saul (Paul)'s hallucinations and imaginary conversations with SPACE JESUS were REAL, rather than brought on by a dodgy batch of mushrooms or food poisoning or mental illness?

how do you know the prophet Muhammad was having REAL visions and conversations with God? Could he have been a liar or suffering from Acromegaly?

Will the real dang Jesus please stand up?

Josephus (1st century Jewish historian) writes about loads of different Jesii (Jesuses). Jesus BarAbbas, Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus, Jesus ben Gamaliel, and many many more...

Fun fact

Nazareth did not exist before the 2nd century C.E.

Recommended further study for beginners

Watch Monty Python's Life of Brian


akdivider celtic.png

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Unless otherwise stated, all pics in my blog are either mine or freely available online, labelled for reuse and doctored by me.


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