Does your idea need funding to get off the ground? You can raise money for your idea in minutes. No fees. No centralized authority. Vote with Bitcoin

Anyone, anywhere can raise money; in minutes for their idea without any fees; without a centralized authority with vote with bitcoin

You can vote for vote with bitcoin with BTC here: 17afyCQEMgRKXtMr9kesF3gMJq4YPBpc2e

Submit a project in minutes

  • Give a short description of your idea or project

  • Add links to your websites, social accounts

You're good to go.

Create a continuous funding stream

  • People who like the idea or project can instantly transfer their money using bitcoin

  • All funds raised go straight to your wallet.

No intermediaries.

  • Embed UpVote buttons on your website.

Facilitate on the fly contributions.

A free funding platform for the whole world

  • any idea gets submitted instantly.

  • No centralized authority

             People have the freedom to choose by 
                     their free will decisions on:
             How good the idea is
             How capable the team behind it is by 
                      Funding projects, &
                      Voting with own their money. 
  • When a project is submitted, it’s automatically published with a public bitcoin address.

  • People supporting the idea make transactions straight to the wallet of a beneficiary.

Billions cannot access classical crowdfunding platforms.

Janis, Matiss, Aleksejs, Rihards, Aivars, Armands, the vote with bitcoin team.

Crowdfunding platform on the blockchain

Veteran crowdfunding platforms Kickstarter & Indiegogo are concentrated in the West, are outdated, slow & expensive. Are they merely a marketing tool for big players?

Classical crowdfunding is heavily centralized; hard to submit a project with many promising projects may rejected. This is the result of single person or a group whetting your idea before permitting the crowd to vote with their wallets to fund your project.

It started with a funding experiment.

Jānis Sprenne Entrepreneur. Latvian. Startupper. Bitcoiner. Big bitcoin & crypto believer. Founder, vote with bitcoin & CEO, fulfilli leads vote with bitcoin.

One day we thought let’s experiment and put a bitcoin address in the footer of the homepage of our project. To our surprise, somebody transferred some bitcoins and it got us thinking that there is a crowd for every project and idea, and there are people who would support good ideas with their money. Since we have had experience with crowdfunding a few years ago by being close to the successful Kickstarter campaign for Airdog Drone, it all clicked together and the idea of “Vote with bitcoin” crowdfunding platform was born.
vote with bitcoin

Crowdfunding wants to be free of

  • Centralization

  • Fees

  • Parochialism

  • Wise men censorship

  • Hidden costs

The point I’m making is that as a river flows to the ocean the internet flows towards transparency, inclusion and freedom. It is caught briefly in shallow eddies and marshes but the current always flows back to its source. Crowdfunding wants to be free and it’s our job to make it so.
Jānis Sprenne, Crowdfunding meets Bitcoin

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