Sports Statistics - Soccer / Football

Our next few posts, will be focussing on statistics for various sporting discipline, to create an understanding of our target market. There is no single source of information for these statistics on the web so we are combining a few different sources. The main source with the most information is however a study done by Bug Count, back in 2000 and 2006.

Image Source

Soccer Players per Capita

Image Credit
There are various views other detailed maps at the following site

You can read the articles 265 million playing football, but we aim to summarize in this article.

As you can see from the article heading there were around 265 Million soccer players in the world, in addition to the 5000 referees. That is around 4% of the global population. This number shown expansion between 2000 and 2006 so there is no doubt that there are many more players today.

It is clear that the popularity of soccer is very large, but not only is the total number of players significant, it is also wide spread across the globe

The source for the images used are

Total Number of Players (In Thousands)

Big Count: statistical summary report by gender/category/region

Big Count 2006 - Total players by region

The potential audience in soccer is massive and this does not include the soccer supporter base, which must be one of the biggest sport followings in the world.

The source for all the images in this article is You can read the articles 265 million playing football

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