Like She Woke Up & Decided to Wear the Sun

So I was just reminded this morning of that time I saw an angel.


That time I went a little bit crazy and hallucinated for a minute.

Not sure which is the correct interpretation.

But for story (and sanity's) sake, lets go with the angel...

Now I'm an open minded kinda gal. I'm pretty sure that life as we experience it through our senses is a tiny part of a huge, Dali-esque picture. That we create our realities from the inside out, and we are far more powerful, beautiful and creative than we think we are.

I also think goats are wonderful.

So you know, who cares what I think.

But yeah, there was this day. For all intents and purposes, it was a normal day.

A medium day.

A nothing special, just get on with stuff type day.

And I had slipped on some shoes, grabbed a jacket and headed out the door to go and get some milk and bread. Like I said, nothing special going on here. I was lost in thought as I walked around the corner onto Tavistock road.

And then as I trudged along, a strange feeling came over me.

It was the same kind of feeling you get when it's been cloudy and a little bit chilly, and then the sun breaks through and suddenly it's glorious and warm. In fact this is exactly what I thought had happened.

I looked up, and there, walking towards me was a... being.

Kind of a girl/woman/old person.

I mean she looked like she was in her early 20's but she also looked like a child and a very old person at the same time. If you can imagine that. She was dressed in a long white dress and had long blonde hair that was loose around her shoulders. She also had a long, flow-y kind of shawl wrapped around her.

Oh yeah, and she was glowing.

But not like, obviously glowing. It was more like a radiance. Like someone who is all shiny and warm because they woke up and decided to wear the sun that day.

And as I looked towards her, I realised that she was staring directly at me.

You know how usually, when two strangers pass each other on the street, you may look at each other, but (certainly being British and in the city) you also kind of acknowledge but then quickly ignore each other as you walk past.

Well, it was exactly not that.

She was looking directly at me, and she was smiling. She didn't start smiling because I looked at her. She was already smiling. Smiling as if she was a long lost family member of mine and we were meeting again for the first time in decades.

It was a smile that seemed to convey a message...

'I love you, I'm so pleased to see you, and everything's going to be ok because the world is a wonderful, wonderful place....isn't it?'

I felt that kind of shock that makes you stop dead in your tracks. I just stood there staring at her. I also smiled back involuntarily, because I couldn't not do this as she carried on walking towards me.

She didn't look away.

She just carried on holding my gaze, smiling, glowing, radiating this kind of warmth and love, like a mother. And I remained glued to the spot just staring at her.

And she kept walking closer and closer.

Eventually I kind of came to and started to get all flustered and wasn't sure what to do. So I did what any self-respecting person would do in this situation. I looked down and started rummaging through my bag pretending to look for something that I'd just remembered I needed.

When I looked up again, she was gone.

I shit you not.

I looked around for her, but she was nowhere.

Just gone.

It's a few years now since this happened, but the event pops into my head now and then as it has done today. Was that an angel? And if so, what the hell was an angel doing on Tavistock road? If not, am I currently locked up in a lunatic asylum, dreaming of this thing called Steemit?

I don't know. I still can't explain it.

At least not in a way that doesn't make me sound crazy-pants.

image source
giphs from

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Environmental and ephemeral art work ✽ My processes. Magical Moments Gallery.

Follow me, @johleen if you like the kind of stuff I do. If you don't, then don't!!

Much love!

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