[Book quotes reactions #3] - "Your bigger purpose doesn't make mine less important"


Over last 8 years long relationship with my Kindle, I've read tens of interesting books and highlighted hundreds of interesting passages. In this series, I'll bring up some of them and think a bit what I liked/didn't like on each particular quote.

Your purpose may be bigger than mine or another person's, but that doesn't make mine any less important. God would not give a person task without a significance.

Book: The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey
Author: Muhammad Ali

Quote: Liked/ Disliked

This quote got me thinking. We're living in the society where we're said we are all winners. We are all equally important, we all have the same rights and if you say something against it, you're almost risking of being accused of some human-rights stuff violation. I don't like it at all...Of course there are people who's purpose is bigger than others. Muhammad's purpose was soo much bigger than mine. Yet not more important. It depends on the scale. My purpose is smaller, but as important to people around me as Muhammad's purpose for all those people he has reached to. He just reached more people, so the impact was bigger. But importance is the same. There's a difference between importance and reach. But we should not be sad about our "minor" role in the world. Everyone has his purpose which is as important on his scale as American president's purpose is on his scale.


I reaaally really liked the book. I find Muhammad Ali really one of the most iconic athletes and martial artists ever. Not only he delivered in the ring but he became even bigger inspiration outside the ropes. I've read the book because of his dead in 2016. It wasn't about boxing at all so feel free to read it even if you're not into martial arts. In this biography, he talked a lot about religion, spirituality and in general his life view points. It was just stunning, reading his thoughts in the darkest moments of his life - being stripped of his heavyweight title and almost ending up in the jail, for refusing joining the Vietnam war troops.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

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    Pocas poslednych 8 rokov som s mojim staruckym Kindlom precital desiatky knih a ulozil si stovky zaujmavych pasazi. V tejto serii postov sa pokusim vybrat najzaujmavejsie z nich a priblizit, co sa mi na nich pacilo a co nie.

    Tvoja uloha v zivote moze byt vacsia ako moja alebo niekoho ineho, ale to stale nerobi moju ulohu menej dolezitou. Boh by nikdy nedal nikomu ulohu bez dolezitosti.

    Book: The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey
    Author: Muhammad Ali

    Pasaz: Pacila / Nepacila

    Pri tejto casti som sa musel pozastavit. Zijeme v spolocnosti, kde nas ucia, ze sme vsetci vitazi. Vsetci su rovnako doleziti, vsetci maju rovnake prava, nikto nie je lepsi ani horsi. Ak sa clovek voci tomu ozve, riskuje...Cele to povazujem za hlupost. Samozrejme, ze existuju ludia ktorych ucel je vacsi ako ucel niekoho ineho. Napriklad zivot Muhammeda Aliho mal omnoho vacsi ucel a efekt na svet ako moj zivot. Ale nebol dolezitejsi. Dolezite slovicko je tu podla mna škála. Moja zivotna uloha/poslane je mensie, no pre ludi okolo mna rovnako dolezite ako bolo poslane Muhammada pre stotisice ludi, ktorych svojim zivotom ovplyvnil. On proste len ovplyvnil tych ludi viac, cize celkovy efekt je vacsi. Ale dolezitost pre ovplyvnenych ludi je rovnaka...jooj tazko sa mi to vysvetluje. Proste mam pocit (a v minulost som toho bol sam obetou), ze ludia maju niekedy pocit menejcennosti v porovnani s inymi ludmi a ich prinosom pre spolocnost. Nase poslanie moze byt mensie, no stale rovnako dolezite ako to, ktore naplna hoc aj americky prezident...


    Kniha bola super! Precital som ju po tom co umrel v roku 2016 a bola naozaj inspirativna. Ako aj pise na obale knihy, jeho naozajstne poslanie a najdolezitejsia cast zivota zacala po skonceni jeho boxerskej aktivnej kariery. Knihu by som preto odporucil aj ludom, ktorych bojove sporty nezaujimaju. Citat ake myslienky sa mu virili v hlave pocas jeho rozhodnutia nenastupit do americkej armady (len formalne) pocas vojny vo Vietname a riskovat tak 5 rocne vazenie bolo fakt zaujimave. Hoc je aj znamy urazanim a zosmiesnovanim jeho superov, Mohammad mal velmi silne moralne hodnoty a presne o tych bola aj tato kniha.

    Diks za precitanie!

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