Red guy stopped the traffic in our direction despite we had a green light. To draw the situation, I've used pretty cool tool on www.accidentsketch.com, just in case you are wondering
After 20 seconds
After 20 seconds of being supernervous, he finally got out of the way and I could continue...but what? Orange light?? Ohhhh noo, I don't want to wait again! I can make this! Acceleration like a rocket and ....I'm flying - am I really a rocket?? BOOOM..Cervene auto voslo do krizovatky skor ako malo a tak zastavilo cely nas pruh na zelenej. Pokial Vas to nahodou zaujma, na nakreslenie situacie som pouzil www.accidentsketch.com, super vec...
Po 20 sekundach
Po dvadsiatich sekundach sa typek konecne odpratal z cesty a my sme mohli pokracovat....ale co to?? Oranzova? Ohhhh niee, nechcem znova cakat! To este zvladam. Zrychlenie ako raketa a....letim - to som sa naozaj zmenil na raketu? BUM!
Chain exploded
What happened?Why am I suddenly on the ground?? Well, it seems that my squatting routine is paying off because the power I've generated caused the bike chain to explode :D And as my pedals suddenly moved because of no resistance, I've basically topped over.I'm really happy that in the heat of the situation, I kept myself calm and composed and knew what to do. Take a picture of the lights, so I can write a Steemit post about it :)
Well, thx god no major injuries happened. I'm pretty banged up with bruises and my elbow is suuperswollen, but no structural damage has happened. Of course, I've documented everything immediately on the place:Retaz vybuchla
Co sa deje? Preco sa zrazu sucham po zemi? No, vyzera to tak ze moje drepy 2x tyzdenne sa zacinaju vyplacat, kedze po tom ako som zabral sa na bajku roztrhla retaz :D No a ked sa pedale znicoho nic pohli kvoli ziadnemu odporu, proste som prepadol dopredu cez riadidla.Tesi ma, ze v tak stresujucej situacii som zachoval pokoj a chladnu hlavu a vedel co treba urobit. Predsa odfotit ten semafor, aby som o tom mohol neskor napisat na Steemit :)
Nastastie, ziadne vazne zranenia sa nestali. Som docela uboleny + mam silny opuch na lakti, no vsetko by malo byt v poriadku. Naposledy, ked som takto padol pred 2 rokmi som si zlomil zapastie. Fotodokumentacia z miesta nehody:What to learn from this?
Well, that orange light means you should stop and not speed up :D If you strictly don't agree, than at least take better care of your bike chain and oil it properly :)Thanks for reading! Martin
Stoj na oranz.....to vobec! Samozrejme ze na oranzovu sa chodi! Ponaucenie je, ze si treba olejovat retaz na bajku! Nehoda mi inak idealne padla do nasej #tematydne :)Dik za precitanie! Martin
You can find my latest posts here:
- Ice cold shower CHALLENGE - rewards for EVERYONE !
- Introducing my partial weight UPVOTING TOOL for minnows with less than 500 SP :) Easy setup!
- SUNRISE ABOVE THE TOWN - I went for early morning run and this is how it looked like
- My Curie story - how fairy visited me overnight
- [My 3 months in Pakistan #1] Flight, soccer on toilet, RAMADAN surprise + 16 PICS