Five (5) amazing pieces of content created by Steemian were chosen to be highlighted in this first issue of Curation Digest. These epic pieces of content were found among the vast amount of articles sent to @buildawhale through a process called concentrated curation.

Concentrated curation solves the biggest current problem with curation guilds.
The curators curate the same lot of articles. This means redundancies and cross-overs thus making the curators time not maximized for efficiency and effectiveness.
As a former curator of @ocd , I know this from first hand experience. Many of the curators used the same method of curating, which is to click on certain tags such as "science" or even the "new tag." They then end up scanning the headlines and not critically analyzing the individual pieces of content because they "don't have the time." This hurts the authors in two ways.
Curators don't actually read fully the articles they are nominating. To save time, they actually just scan it to make sure it's not plagiarized and it has a nice flow.
So with all the time and effort Steemians put into creating their content, they don't get the views or even the effort they hope for from an audience. They just see an upvote, no comment, and the perception is they curate just for curation rewards. Whether or not that is true that changes for every specific instance, but the perception remains the same.
Another way the current curation methods and styles hurt the authors here on Steemit is that the majority of content "curated" don't receive constructive feedback from the audience. So it hurts even more to the authors when they see these curators only upvote their posts.
No comment. No feedback. No constructive criticism to build off of. Nothing.
So what are the curators curating for then?
You tell us.
I know I upvote and/or resteem quality articles I get value from and I think other Steemians get from. However, the main thing I try to do on any article I "curate" is:
Provide feedback.
One thing bots can't copy is feedback. Sure they can post auto replies that are obviously not human responses and give no depth in their statements, but its not feedback.
The feedback I am talking about is actual constructive criticism of the authors content to provide them some sort of starting place to build off of.
Sometimes Steemians spend days on articles, working on their writing, and then they post it in a competition and what happens?
No feedback.
Sure maybe the authors with higher reputation or VP got an upvote or short comment. But definitely not minnows. And regardless of label, definitely not the criticism and feedback Steemian authors who create content for the sake of creating content desire.
As a result, we introduce @buildawhale's Curation Digest powered by concentrated curation.

The small, nimble team of Steemians apart of @buildawhale's Curation Team are Steemians who care.
We care about the community.
We care about providing maximum value.
We care that your posts aren't getting the recognition and rewards it deserves.

We care because we know.
We are a diverse bunch of Steemians, but we can all emphasize with the current problems almost every Steemian is facing now on the platform.
We spends hours, if not days, creating content and then post it.
And what get - 3 upvotes and one auto comment that says "Follow me."
What kind of shit is that?
For the @buildawhale team, this is unacceptable and it is why we are so passionate about this vehicle of real, positive change. We have been there and we still are there. So we feel every pain and heartbreak you have fellow Steemians. Because we have and feel it now.
That's the one thing about doing the right thing and believing in something 100%.
Change happens.
Real fast.
As a result, here is the first issue of the daily Curation Digest. In this issue we highlight five (5) amazing pieces of content created by Steemians on this amazing platform.
The @buildawhale Curation Team will increases this amount of the days and weeks to come as we streamline the concentrated curation efforts.
We also will be offering a weekly version of Curation Digest to foreign languages as another way to make sure we include and reach all Steemians on this platform.

The first epic piece of content highlighted in this first issue of Curation Digest is @cupidzero's education-realted post titled: "The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 1."
The @buildawhale Curation Team loved the absolutely comprehensive nature of your perspective on the current education system. A lot of us know it is broken, but you tell us how and why.

"The intent to socially engineer society in keeping with their ideological platform could hardly be expressed any more clearly."
This is the truth no doubt and it corresponds with your article but do you see how wild that sentence sounds? We understand the meaning behind it; you are expressing how "the elites keep their agenda in play by programming generations."
See how "The elites keep their agenda in play by programming generations." is way shorter and way easier to ear and comprehend than:
"The intent to socially engineer society in keeping with their ideological platform could hardly be expressed any more clearly."
Short is more and more effective. That is the constructive feedback we want to relay to you. When I was in college I thought I had to write everything like you did in this article. But remember on Steemit we aren't writing for "A's," we are writing for attention. the attention of the readers. And nothing loses the attention of readers like big words making up long sentences.
We absolutely love the depth, the value and information you provide, and the overall quality of your analysis and it might be get an A+ in school, but we think the above reasons is why you post didn't "hit."
We hope it helps take your content and Steemit experience to the next level
Check out this amazing, comprehensive post on the current education system here: @cupidzero/the-vicious-cycle-of-social-justice-indoctrination-part-1

The second piece of amazing content highlighted in today's issue of Curation digest is @d-pend's epic inspirational life piece titled: "Every day, We Are Watering Seeds Inside."
Holy smokes @d-pend the Curation Team was absolutely blown away by the positivity, depth of knowledge, and life changing value it brings to the Steemit community. We don't want to give too much away, but in this life-changing piece of original content @d-pend uses "seeds" to explain life.
Yes, explain life.
That's why we fell in love with this article because it literally changed our lives for the better. How you used an analogy to explain framing, mindset, and the concept of life. Holy smokes that blew us away. so we hope by including it in the first issue of Curation Digest your inspiration can reach more Steemians because it is one of the best articles we have seen on Steemit.
It combines real practical advice with an analogy which allows for easy comprehension of a high-level concept: framing. And you created the content with amazing flow, lively images, and a really fun style of storytelling.
Thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this post.
I know it changed my life personally and gave me a new way to frame the events that happen in my life. Because:
Whatever we choose to water will grow. Because our hearts are fertile soil indeed.
Want to change your life for the better? Go here: @d-pend/every-day-we-are-watering-seeds-inside

@opinizeunltd epiccccccccc music post titled: "SteemItlanta on Historic Edgewood Ave/Gone Too Soon + Rap Challenge 9 Submission."
The @buildawhale Curation Team freakin loved this man for so many reasons.
First, how much epic content and value you include in this post. Not only do you include your Rap Challenge Week 9 submission, you included another epic recap video of your experience on Edgewood Ave. If this wasn't enough you include so many amazing pictures that you personally took and it really elevated this piece to a new level.
Second, the uniqueness of the information you provide is legendary. It really feels like we are there with you experiencing this life you are living. I don't know how you fine-tuned your storytelling abilities but let us tell you we were blown away by your talent.
And third, how you intertwined you life history and the area's history. you did a "perfect" job in our opinion of storytelling using words, visuals, and videos. We can tell how much time, effort, and creativity you put into this post and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We know it is definitely not easy creating this content and it takes so much time and effort to do it correctly like you did. So props to you @opinizeunltd keep doing great things.
Check out this epic music post here: @opinizeunltd/steemit-rap-challenge-9-submission-steemitlanta-on-historic-edgewood-ave-gone-too-soon

The fourth epic piece of content highlighted today in Curation Digest is @instrumentals comprehensive music post titled: "Composition of Hip Hop Beats With Instrumentals #12 - Psychosis In America (FREE DOWNLOAD)
@instrumentals we know that you are the second music-related content, but there was no way to not include you in the first issue of Curation Digest.
The amount of valuable information for the beatmakers and music producers of Steemit you provide is absolutely mind-blowing in this post. You explain with text and visuals how to make this epic beat you created. I help out music producers and the biggest problem is when learning from tutorials is they never show the actual screen of the producer. For that reason, most have to pick up on tricks and techniques other less effective and efficient ways.
But you just solved that problem.
You told the story of how you progressed through the creation of the beat in such an effective and efficient manner. Epic screenshots and explanations via text really cemented you article for the @buildawhale Curation Team.
Steemians people in the music industry charge hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for the information that @instrumentals is providing. And he is allowing you to download the beat he created for beat. This beat would normally go for $500-$2500 in some circles ,maybe even more with the right branding. And he is giving it to you for free.
I would strongly recommend taking a look. Go here: @instrumentals/composition-of-hip-hop-beats-with-instrumentals-12-psychosis-in-america-free-download

Last but certainly not least is @kanggary's amazing post titled: "Ethics we have to learn."

@kanggary this is an epic piece of content. You explain a high-level concept, ethics, which is usually very hard to understand, and you use three story examples to masterfully provide a foundation for your explanation of ethics.
This unique examples from Australia, Canada, and Kerala, India provide such insight into situations many of unaware of. He uses these examples to explain the difference in ethics between cultures.
But where are all the pictures my dude?
This post would be the defintiion of a "perfect" piece of original content but you have no visuals to reiterate your main points and relly paint a vivid picture of those examples to the readers.
It would have been so cool to see a pictures explaining any of the information you talked about. It seems like all personal experiecnes you went through so why didn't you include any pictures of them?
This would have made this post so freakin epic and really would let the readers visualize vivdly what you are describing. you know how hard it is to explain ethics and you did a masterful job with just words. Our recommendation, especially with stories from your own personal experiecne, is to include several images to reaiterate your main points of this article.
We look forward to more content from you @kanggary as we can tell you put your mind, boy, and soul into your content. Namaste.
Check out this unique perspective on ethics here: @kanggary/ethics-we-have-to-learn
This concludes Issue #1 of Curation Digest. Stay tuned for Issue#2 tomorrow.

The @buildawhale team hope this brings the maximum amount of value to the authors highlighting and to the Steemit community. We are only beginning the real, positive change and it will only grow.
And remember next time you read an epic article created on the Steemit platform, use @buildawhale to provide the maximum value to the content creator
It's going to be one fun and meaningful ride. And always remember: