Curation Digest: Issue #2

Five (5) epic pieces of content are highlighted in today’s issue of Curation Digest.

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Theses five (5) articles were all curated through concentrated curation. We want to maximize efficiency and effectiveness with Curation Digest so if you want to know more about how we curate and our mission go here:

But lets dive on it @buildawhale style.


The first highlighted piece of epic content is @suggeelson inspirational and informative fitness post titled: "How To Train Effectively At Noon."


@suggeeelson let me tell you from the team's experience in fitness, we know how hard it is to create a piece of fitness content that people will actually read and apply in their lives. Sometimes the content is too technical and sometimes the creator forgets about their audience.

But we are here to tell you, you absolutely mastered the art of creating a fitness-related piece of content. What the @buildawhale Curation Team loves about your article and why it was nominated are:


You don't have any long videos like so many in the fitness industry use. Sometimes people just want to read an effective articles like yours with vivid pictures, useful tips, and easy to apply knowledge. Not all of us want to watch a 5-15 minute fitness video explaining everything. In our opinion, you delivered the ideal amount of visuals and text information. Not too many pictures and not too many words. Ideal for the Steemian who likes the short informative content for time or other reasons.


You didn't overload us with technical or fitness related jargon that the audience wouldn't understand and thus would not be able to apply in their lives. You delivered an excellent ,effective fitness tip of working out on your lunch break and planning around that to make sure it leaves no room for excuses. So many in the fitness industry don't realize what you just did. To get people to make actual changes for real, positive change in their lives, you have to start small and slow. One straightforward tip to apply everyday and eventually the audience has made legendary changes in their lives and your impact grows.


The value you provide in this piece of content is extraordinary for how effective you wrote it. Short and sweet, yet there is so much useful information that can actually inspire real, positive change in Steemians lives. What is better than that? We love that you care so much to write these pieces and we hope that you will continue to do great things. Thanks again for all you do.

If you want to make a real, positive change in your life today go here: @suggeelson/how-to-training-effectively-at-noon-rest-2017814t162316474z


The second piece of amazing content highlighted in Issue #2 of Curation digest is @cupidzero' lengthy but epic tech post titled: "The Health Consequences of Wireless Technology."


We know @cupidzero was included in last issue of Curation Digest, but once you read his latest masterpiece you will understand why there was no freakin way we could not have nominated him. Repeat nominations are good, it means the authors who create epic content consistently get rewarded. Seems reasonable to us.

The hard part about explaining to people the negative side effects of using wireless technology is that all the information is scattered all over the place. Some here, some there. And some say this is on purpose. Lucky for us @cupidzero literally put his mind, body , and soul into creating an epic piece of content that literally can save lives. How could we not include epic content like that?

The funny thing about society is that it programs most people to think and act a certain way. Use a microwave. Use a phone. Use the Internet. But lucky for us Steemians @cupidzero doesn't live in the matrix and doesn't care what society or people think.

He just creates epic, informative content that will save tens, thousands, if not millions of lives if only they could see it. So we the @buildawhale team are trying to do our part.

We strongly recommend reading this all the way through. Dedicate 30 minutes to an hour of your life. Because isn't your life worth that?

Trying to save your life or others go here: @cupidzero/the-health-consequences-of-wireless-technology


@mathworksheets post titled: "Equation of a Standard Line" is the third piece of epic content highlighted in this issue of Curation Digest.


@mathworksheets we want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts that this is one of the most epic, lively math-related piece of content we have seen in along time.

If you can see from the image above, @mathworksheets spiced up a concept of math, the equation of a line, in the most epic way possible. When you read his post, look at the epic colorful images he uses to explain a dry concept to teach.

He highlights standard line concept in such a visual pleasing manner that students will love to keep reading his materail and keep it for reference material.

That's one of the hardest thing about learning math-realted concepts is that its usually cut and dry, small font, with no colors and no spacing.

Try looking at your old math books explaining the standard line formula and then look at @mathworksheets post.

Can you see how many people he can help with his skills and talents?

We sure can see them and we hope you keep creating this epic content for us Steemians to learn from. Namaste.

Learn something today go here: @mathworksheets/equation-of-a-line-in-standard-form


The fourth piece of epic content created by Steemit content creators is @awarenessraiser's epic life experience post titled: "Vlog-13-introduced-high-level-music-ceo-to-steemit-luxury-clips-inside."

"Everything is aligning in a weird way." Goosebumps literally. Synchronicities every day all day and you get it holy shit. Not to mention this is one of the best edited videos we have ever seen on Sttemit.

You tell a story about how you met a CEO of a media company and introduced him to Steemit in such a way that was so epic. Being the plug as you said is huge. And it seems like you a plug for sure.

Keep on exposing people to Steemit and wow these community will give you thanks eternally.

"By you introducing two people, you never know what that might turn out to." Amennnnn and another reason you were nominated besides the amount of epic knowledge and experiences you share. You talk a lot about Steemit to a lot of influential people so why wouldn't we include you?

Steemians we strongly recommend you setting aside 8 minutes of your day to truly experience a story that will give you such motivation and hope for this platform. There are Steemians like @awarenessraiser are one of the biggest reason Steemit is such an incredible and amazing place to be. Thank you again for all you do to help this Steemit community.

Also lastly, a Steemian used the @buildawhale service on your post or we might not have ever seen it. So don't forget if you see epic content created on Steemit like this one, you can always use @buildawhale's service to help out a fellow Steemian.

Want an epic story today go here: @awarenessraiser/vlog-13-introduced-high-level-music-ceo-to-steemit-luxury-clips-inside


Last but not least, is @dorth's amazing real-life inspired post titled: "The tale of my unofficial visit to a Nigerian Police Station."


Wow @dorth you got us hooked with this epic story from your real-life. It's stories like yours that makes Steemit such an amazing place to discover unique and original content. Real life experiences from real-life people; it's such a refreshing thing to see.

@dorman the @buildawhale Curation team absolutely love YOUR STORY TELLING ABILITIES. Holy smokes man you make it so easy for the audience to see what you went through through words and only two (2) images.

That's the one thing we would tell you to add for part to of this epic story. Add more images. Because man we already can visualize your experience with corrupt policemen. Can you imagine if you added some visuals to help break up the flow for the reader and get them that added reinforcement for your story.

Your storytelling abilities are top notch that is no doubt. And the way you hooked us man we are mad because we don't know when the next one is coming out :)

Love real-life drama and epic stories then go here: @dorth/the-tail-of-my-unofficial-visit-to-a-nigerian-police-station


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. We want to inspire real, positive change and without you all it's not possible so thanks again from some Steemians who care :)

Images come from the specific posts themselves.



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