2017 Review: My best paintings


Revisiting the drawings I uploaded this year I was shocked to see that one of the nine wasn't published here before, I thought that I would have shared all on steemit but it wasn't. That's why I'll make a brief comment when we get to "the non published"

This year was full of dreams and some remain smouldering for this year that's about to start. I felt really proud for the repercussion that some of my drawings achieved in the community ("The long road" obtained the most upvotes in one of my posts ever) and, in general, it was really positive.

If I had to distinguish with a word this year I would choose: Challenge. Challenges I put myself into, as you can see below in my illustrations the paper is different in some and that's because I tried to use watercolor on very thin papers to improve my handle with water, something key in this technique. The results weren't always what I would have wanted to be but I feel satisfied knowing all I've learned.

This drawings were chosen by my followers on Instagram (my username it's also @siucatti) and as an introduction, I wanted to show you the most liked from 2015 and 2016 before the best 9 from this year.

2015 - Astronaut Anna Fisher
Anna Fisher.jpg

2016 - Two Footprints
two footprints.jpg

And now, the best from 2017

"The Cave of Forgotten Dreams - Tiger"

The cave of forgotten dreams-tiger.jpg

"Hong Kong at night"

Hong Kong.jpg

"The long road"
The long road.jpg

"MechWarrior and the Universe Battletech"
mech final.jpg

"Imagine Dragons"
imagine dragons-full.jpg

"La dame dans l'auto avec des lunettes et un fusil"

"A very sad Wrenn Schmidt"
Wrenn Schmidt.jpg

"Halloween for 90's kids"

"Saved by the moon"(The non published)
With this illustration I wanted to represent the differences between men and women, this idea came from the time I spent reading Osho speeches transcriptions about his ideas, one of his concepts portrayed the idea of how we all have to take different journeys to connect with our essence, who we truly are, and the magic things that happens when we end up finding us, men and women, in the middle of our path. I don't consider myself a follower but I like to learn about what people believe in and take from that my own conclusion.

And these were the most liked by my followers. I hope you share with me this year that is about to start and wish that every day we get one step closer of fulfilling our dreams. Happy new year!

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