Vintage of the Day - Eighties Music Prince Controversy on Vinyl 1981

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I won't pass up a Prince album or any 80's rock or funk.

The cover is beat up, but the vinyl inside has it's original Warner Bros sleeve. It's easier to find a new cover. prince vinyl 1.jpg

The record is SO clean. It was played carefully.

The best song on this LP is Controversy and followed closely by the 1st song on side 2......Private Joy, hands down.

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Prince played in the background of my teenage life. Me and my best friend Amy would hide in her bedroom and listen.

It was 7th grade and my Mother never forget to check all labels for inappropriate lyrics. We dodged her.
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We'd go to the mall with Frances (Amy's Mom) she'd go off to Lord & Taylor and we'd go for music. **Controversy **is one of my first memories with Aim (what I have always called her). There was much more Prince to come as we left middle school and entered high school. We still text each other and see each other, she's in Metro Detroit and I'm in Chicagoland. It's hard to believe we are grown-ups.

Purple Rain? Obsessed. So obsessed, I made my Mom take me to the movies and sit through it. It was ALL about the music. Never did we think it was odd he wore purple and puffy shirts and heels. He was just bad ass and we couldn't get enough.

In 9th grade, we met Kristen and Susan. Three middle schools converged to make a big high school. The love of Prince drew us to them. We spent the next 4 years together. Spanning, Prince, Van Halen, Madonna and then all the one hit wonders there were.
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He was a musical genius in every sense, songwriter producer, musician. Underrated.

I don't feel like I've grown up at all. It's surreal.

All photos are mine, taken by me!

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