Vintage of the Day - The Sinking of the Titanic Board Game, FUN!!

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As long as everyone dies but you, you win!! YAY!!

No... don't worry if the winner is only 8, he/she will be fine.

Round up your family as best you can because there's no "Women and children first!" here, It's every man for himself!

Everyone is the captain of their own lifeboat. It's up to you to get to safety before you are drinking urine and blistering in the sun!

Get Nana, Papa the kids and the neighbors! Who lives, who DIES.

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From 1978, The Sinking of the Titanic- the game you play as the ship goes down then face the peril of the open seas!

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First, a recap. In case you've never heard about the Titanic disaster, this gives you the history WITH YOU as the star. Not the actual history. A nice story and a soothing prelude to the actual game instructions.
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First, set up your board and get your game pieces and cards together. Everyone gets to be a different ship porter or something. I want to be Captain. You get a supply of food, water and your own lifeboat.

Save some people? Or do you? You might want to think about it. Are they bringing their own food and water?

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Next, instructions on how to sink the ship. The faster it goes down the faster you win!

So, how do you win? Is there ever a winner as far as the Titanic goes?YES!

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The ship is sinking, you have your lifeboat, food, water, you've rescued people and have to find the rescue ship.

in the northern Atlantic!

If you can get off the Titanic, rescue and feed people, drive the lifeboat and THEN get that boat to an island adventure? YOU WIN!

I think that's only common sense and might make this game take 4 hours instead of 5.

I buy and sell vintage for a living and own a vintage market. I take all my own photos and what you see is something I own or have owned.

Board games are hot. The more bizarre and obscure they are, the more they are worth. This is worth more than your average game, know why? It's DEPRESSING. It's long, complex and was above average in price in 1978. Moms across America weren't coming home with Titanic, the game.

This creates scarcity today.

In the US on eBay this game goes from $50 to $150 with $150 being near mint, unused condition.

This particular game has all original pieces in is very good condition. The box could be a little better. I would put $95 on this one with a best offer and go down to $75.

The more popular the game the more that can be found. The more there are, that drives down the price. There's a market for used game pieces for particular games too. Lots of potential for resale.

**I'm not sure the family in 1979 was ready for this dark, macabre and complicated game. I'm not sure the family today is ready for it.
If you got this far, thanks for reading! I've got plenty to say and show and I'll work on another family favorite, The Bermuda Triangle Game soon!

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