Saturday Ulog #2: Champions league finals in La Komuna!


I had 2 reasons why I came to Innsbruck:
  1. Learn German
  2. And enjoy multicultural environment

The first one is going slower than expected but still satisfactory. But the second one was bigger problem than I though it'll be. University webpage claims 40% international students. What they don't say that 90% of those foreign students are Germans...And for me, that's the very same as Austrians, just with little bit easier-to-understand German.


Do Innsbrucku som siel z 2 dovodov:
  1. Zlepsit si nemcinu
  2. Zit v multikulturnom prostredi..

Prvy bod ide pomalsie, nez som cakal, no stale je to poho. Druhy bol vsak trosku problematickejsi nez som cakal. Univerzitna webstranka tvrdila 40% medzinarodnych studentov. Co vsak nepovedali je, ze 90% z nich su Nemci...To je pre hocijakeho ineho cudzinca uuuplne to iste, s jedinym rozdielom, ze nemcom o trosku lahsie rozumiem :D


La Komuna

And that's where La Komuna comes in. Since I haven't found that multicultural environment in University, I noticed I tend to spend my free time looking for it. "Law of attraction" seems to work - flat I live in formed a nice multicultural community in itself. We're La Komuna! :D It's an ideal counter-balance to work, university and gym, where 95% of people are native Austrians/Germans.

La Komuna

A to je kde hra hlavnu ulohu La Komuna. Kedze som nenasiel multikulti prostredie v skole, mal som prirodzenu tendenciu hladat to niekde inde. "Law of attraction" vyzera ze funguje - byt v ktorom byvam sformoval naozaj pestru skupinu. Sme La Komuna! :D Je to naozaj idealna protivaha ku skole, praci a BJJ klubu, kde je minimalne 95 % ludi z Nemecka alebo Rakuska.

Grill & Champions league finals

Yesterday was a football evening in La Komuna. Vibe was very interesting and I could totally see how the origin of people plays a big role in Real or Liverpool question. We were 70% Liverpool vs. 30% Real.

Grill & Champions league finals

Vcera bol v La Komune futbalovy vecer. Bolo ultra zaujimave sledovat ako povod ludi hral rolu vo vybere timu komu fandia. Niektoi ma ich vyberom dost prekvapili. We were 70% Liverpool vs. 30% Real.

Nacho: our future official Spanish <-> German translator

His biggest love: Mate

Our future chemical engineer Ahman - La Komuna is well-rounded and can do it all!

Brazil & Uruguay - Latino love

Syria & Slovakia "will never walk alone" (Let's go Liverpool!)

"Who's playing?"

Funny popcorn machine..saw such thingie first time in my life

Another cool machine - it "eats" wood and charges phones + cooks water :D

"Maybe grill can also charge a phone with wood :D...Lemme try"

Just yesterday there were people with 7 different nationalities - England, Spain, Slovakia, Syria, Uruguay, Brazil and Austria :)

..also I was getting to know my new camera..From now on, I'maa be winnig all @derangedvisions and @juliank contests :D

..Also I've just realized that I've placed 100% correct game tip in @phortun 's competition. Thx @phortun!

Thanks for reading!

Napr vcera sme sa stretli ludia zo 7 narodnostami - Anglicko, Spanielsko, Slovensko, Syria, Uruguay, Brazilia a Rakusko :)

..taktiez som sa zoznamoval s novym fotakom..Odteraz budem vsetky fotosutaze od @derangedvisions a @juliank len vyhravat :D

..a prave som si uvedomil, ze som presne trafil vysledok v @phortun -ovej sutazi. Dikyy!

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Last class ever!! ...Detailed look back on my 18 years long education journey STEP BY STEP
  3. Jiu jitsu, creativity and dreams...Why do I suddenly have these crazy-ass dreams?
  4. Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)
  5. 2 funny stories from my childhood
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