Urban grilling season opening - no gas, no briquettes, no problem!



3 weeks ago, Saturday, around 4pm. There's not much going on, I'm working on my thesis and Nacho is getting his spanish Siesta :D Suddenly I've realized we haven't grilled this year yet. And the weather is just awesome. "Hey dude, wake up, let's go to fill the gas bomb and we can grill tonight. He was all in. After arrival to the gas station, they told us they can fill it first on the Monday. I wanted to give up but Nacho had another idea :D

No briquettes, no gas, no problem

We went to Baumax to buy some briquettes for grilling...but it was closed already. And all the other shops in town as well. But if Nacho decides to do something, nothing can stop him. "We're going to the river to look for some wood :D


3 tyzdne dozadu, sobota, okolo stvrtej poobede. Moc sa toho nedeje, ja pracujem na diplomke a Nacho si uziva svoju spanielsku Siestu. "Hej Nacho, vstavaj, ideme naplnit plynovu bombu a vecer mozme grilovat". Dlho som ho presviedcat nemusel. No po prichode na cerpacku nam povedali, ze nam flasu najskor naplnia v pondelok. V tom momente som sa chcel proste otocit a pockat do pondelka. No Nacho mal na to iny nazor :D

Ziadne brikety, ziaden plyn, ziaden problem

Isli sme do Baumaxu, kupit brikety...no samozrejme bolo uz zatvorene. Ako aj vsetko ostatne. Nacho mal este jeden napad - ideme ku rieke, hladat drevo :D Ten ked si nieco zaumieni, len tak sa nevzda :D

And we've found some/ A nejake sme aj nasli

Wood transport and cutting

Getting that piece of wood back home was funny on its own. Just watchin Nacho in the traffic, carrying a big chunk of wood was hilarious. To get the full experience, watch the video.

Preprava a priprava dreva

Donies ten vyschnuty konar domov stalo tiez za to. Len pozorovat Nacha ako kluckuje pomedzi auta stalo za to. Cele to je zachytene vo videu takze odporucam si ho naozaj pozriet.


This was simply hilarious :D

Dining Japanese style

Since last weekend, we don't have a garden table because our neighbors took it for their flowers. Even this couldn't stop us that evening!

Piknik po japonsky

Od minuleho tyzdna nemame v zahrade stol, lebo nam ho susedia zabalili pre svoje kvetiny. No v ten vecer nas nemohlo nic zastavit!


Finally "grilling" action

Well, at first it looked like we're going to burn down the whole suburb :D But eventually, we managed to get nice warm ashes and grilled some nice food. It was all in all cool experience, but I hope next time we'll do it in more civilized manner :)

Thanks for reading!

Konecne grilovacka

Popravde, najprv to vyzeralo ze miesto jedla ugrilujeme cely barak :D Nakoniec sme dostali "plamene" pod kontrolu a podarilo sa nam na pahrebe aj paradne vsetko ugrilovat. Bolo to super, no dufam, ze nabuduce to bude vsetko prebiehat viac civilizovane :)

Dik za precitanie!

"I think those last 2 wood pieces could have wait a bit / S tymi poslednymi dvoma polenami som asi mohol pockat."

All rewards for this post will be used in the upcoming challenge I've set for myself starting on Friday, 1st of June!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Saturday Ulog #2: Champions league finals in La Komuna!
  3. Last class ever!! ...Detailed look back on my 18 years long education journey STEP BY STEP
  4. Jiu jitsu, creativity and dreams...Why do I suddenly have these crazy-ass dreams?
  5. Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)

My video is at DLive

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