A Dollar A Day - an update on charitable giving on steemit - why it's real for me

I have now been running my A Dollar A Day giving project for three weeks.

In that time, with a few bonus days, I have now donated 30 SBD to seven different causes.

As well as enjoying the increasing contact I am having with the causes I support, I have also been super-excited this week when two other great steemians @gmuxx and @mother2chicks have joined me in giving on the A Dollar A Day project.

Thank you @gmuxx and @mother2chicks

This past week I have donated to @tarc in Virgina, USA and @papilloncharity in South Africa. I also gave a special donation to @azizbd in Bangladesh to help with the unexpected medical expenses of two local people.

Aside from these most of my donating power this week has been focussed on YouAreHope, @youarehope and School For SDG4, @schoolforsdg4 in Bangladesh.


Although YouAreHope only launched a couple of months ago it is already doing some great work around the world.

Most recently YAH has sent 10,000 organic, heirloom seeds to Puerto Rico with @Nichi :

YouAreHope has launched a major fundraising drive for December :

As part of that I have pledged to use my A Dollar A Day giving every day in December to donate to YouAreHope.

Thanks to a recent good post reward I am delighted to be able to make this commitment. However I don't want that to stop my donating to the other charities so for the month of December I am going to double up my Dollar A Day donation to 2 SBD each day - one to YAH, and the other SBD shared between the other charities I support.

School For SDG4

The other cause I am focussing on at the moment is the School For SDG4 in Sylhet, Bangladesh.

I have now had several chats on Discord with Mohammed ( @azizbd ) who runs @schoolforsdg4. The school has joined up on a British Council initiative to connect schools around the world.

To take part in this initiative the school needs a modem, microphone and speakers.

As I have worked in the internet world for the past 20+ years I am keen to help get the school connected. Therefore after discussing with with Mohammed I have decided to fund, together with @gmuxx, the purchase of the equipment required for getting the school connected to the world.

Following on from that I will be supporting the monthly internet connection fees through my regular A Dollar A Day giving.

Why it's real ... for me

One totally unexpected side-effect for me of coming on to steemit has been the actual realisation of what money really means to people around the world.

I am sure most of us on steemit have heard the stories of how 50 cents reward on a post to someone in Britain or the USA may not seem worthwhile for the effort involved, but to someone in ANOther developing country it can mean food for the day.

That of course can become something of a cliché. But for many around the world it is a mathematical fact.

If $10 is a month's wage in Venezuela, it is one hour's wage in Britain.

If $10 can feed thirty people in Venezuela, it will only buy a couple of Big Mac's in Britain.

They are the cold hard facts of our wonderfully maladjusted world.

In steemit we have one ginormous golden opportunity to turn the dial just a little further towards Fair and Just.

When Judgement Day comes and my grandchildren ask "Where were you grandad when steem had the chance to make the world a fairer place?" I want to stand proud and say I was there on the frontline doing every little bit I could.

If anyone wants to join me on the frontline I would be delighted. Even if only for the giving month of December just go ahead and donate A Dollar A Day to the good causes on steemit.

From what I have seen so far I can assure you it feels a heck of a lot better than just sitting on the sidelines scratching your bot.

If anyone knows of any other steemit based charities that might be appropriate do let me know. I am always on the look-out for new charities to add to my A Dollar A Day list.

Thank you and good giving.

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[money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 // seeds image from @youarehope // classroom image from @schoolforsdg4 ]

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