Answering John Lennon's cry. Daddy's always been home.

John Lennon's childhood shaped his indictment of 99% of all parents. Lennon's late Beatles & post-Beatles, Yoko Ono encouraged, songwriting were often cries for parents, whom he wanted, but never had.
Contrast Lennon's feelings with Jonathan David Helser's reality: God, His Father.

John Lennon's cry

Mother, you had me but I never had you

I wanted you, you didn't want me

So I, I just gotta tell you

Goodbye, goodbye

Julia Lennon, mother

Father, you left me but I never left you

I needed you, you didn't need me

So I, I just gotta tell you

Goodbye, goodbye

Mother, John Lennon, father

Children, don't do what I have done

I couldn't walk and I tried to run

So I, I just gotta tell you

Alfred 'Freddie' Lennon, father

Goodbye, goodbye


Mamma, don't go

Daddy, come home

Daddy's always been home

You're more real than

The ground I'm standing on

You're more real than

The wind in my lungs

Your thoughts define me
You're inside me
You're my reality

Abba, I belong to You

Abba, I belong to You

Abba, Jonathan David Helser

You're closer than the

Skin on my bones

You're closer than the

Song on my tongue

Your thoughts define me
You're inside me
You're my reality

Be There lithograph by Ken Helser, Jonathan David Helser's father.

Abba, I belong to You

Abba, I belong to You

Abba, I belong to You


For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear [of God’s judgment], but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons [the Spirit producing sonship] by which we [joyfully] cry, “[a]Abba! Father!”
Rom 8:15 AMP

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