Is Justin Bieber reminding all of us to live a "sustainable" life?

In Keep The Customer Satisfied, Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel sang, "it's the same old story, Everywhere I go, I get slandered, Libeled, I hear words I never heard In the Bible. And I'm one step ahead of the shoe shine, Two steps away from the county line, Just trying to keep my customers, satisfied, Satisfied."
Were they describing Justin Bieber's life?

Ever since his mother first shared his singing on YouTube From age 12, Justin Bieber has been analyzed, commented on & pontificated upon by professing Christians & the mainstream media alike.

I'm so grateful for this journey with all of you.. I'm grateful for the tours but most of all I am grateful I get to go through this life WITH YOU.! I have let my insecurities get the best of me at times, I let my broken relationships dictate the way I acted toward people and the way I treated them! I let bitterness, jealousy and fear run my life.!!! I'm VERY aware I'm never gonna be perfect, and I'm gonna keep making mistakes but what I'm not going to do is let my past dictate my future.. What I'm not gonna do is be ashamed of my mistakes. I wanna be a man that learns from them and grows from them.!! I want you all to know this tour has been unbelievable and has taught me so much about myself.. I am reminded of how blessed I am to have a voice in this world. I've learned the more you appreciate your calling the more you want to protect your calling.
Justin Beiber

Justin Bieber has cancelled the remainder of his Purpose tour to make himself sustainable.

Me taking this time right now is me saying I want to be SUSTAINABLE.. I want my career to be sustainable, but I also want my mind heart and soul to be sustainable. So that I can be the man I want to be, the husband I eventually want to be and the father I want to be. This message is just an opportunity for you to know my heart, I'm not expecting anyone to understand, but I do want people to have an opportunity to know where I am coming from!
Justin Bieber

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [in behavior—one who manipulates].

He says to you, “Eat and drink,”

Yet his heart is not with you [but it is begrudging the cost].

Prov 23:7, AMP

Pastors Carl Lentz & Kyrie Irving are among the men Justin Bieber counts on to walk him through making his mind, heart & soul sustainable.

  • Does short life of Justin Bieber, in essence, mirror my own life?

  • How sustainable am I?

  • What do I need to do to make myself durably sustainable?

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