Prague Christmas Markets voted as one to the best in the world!

Hello friends,

Even though I think the best time of the year to visit the Czech Republic is either the months of May and June in Spring or the months of September and October in Autumn, it might not be a bad idea to come during Christmas season too. Why is that? The weather will be cold and you might encounter snow as well but it is the month of December when Christmas markets are held around the country. And believe it or not, the Christmas Markets in Prague is once again leading in the world’s rankings for the best Christmas markets as per CNN. Feel free to check out the full article: The world's 15 best Christmas markets

Since the Christmas is almost here, I also published a post about the traditional Czech Christmas dinner yesterday that you might find fairly amusing: Czech traditional dinner - fried carp with potato salad!

Have a great day, be happy and keep on smiling!


儘管我認為參觀捷克的最佳時間是在春季的五、六月或秋天的九、十月這段期間,在聖誕節期間到訪捷克也不是一個壞主意。為什麼呢?天氣將是寒冷的,你也可能遇到下雪的天氣,但是在12月份的時候,聖誕節市集將會在全國各地舉行。信不信由你,布拉格聖誕市場再次成為全球最佳聖誕市場排名的榜首!你可以隨時在這裡查看完整的文章:The world's 15 best Christmas markets

由於聖誕節快到了,我昨天也發表了一篇關於傳統捷克聖誕晚餐的帖子,你可能覺得很棒:Czech traditional dinner - fried carp with potato salad!



Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Balate Dorin
Christmas tree in magical city of Prague at night, Czech Republic

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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