8th day of 10 days get fit challenge 奥林匹克十天健康瘦身挑战第八天

所在城市:吉隆坡Current city: Kuala Lumpur
季节:雨 26度Season: Rain 26'C
运动展示:五公里步行马路上山Exercise: 5km tarmac speed walking up hill
注重部分:耐力Focus: Cardio

运动 The workout

5km brisk walking up hill Desa Park City Height

早餐 Breakfast

Subway wrap Egg and Cheese with multiple source of vegetable salad being wrapped in mayo (roughly 300kcal)
赛百味的芝士蛋百味卷,加菜类然后浇上蛋黄酱-美乃滋 (大概300卡)

午餐 Lunch

Did I mentioned I like SushiKing? All their food has been labeled with calories count.
SabaKabayaki 鱼 - 280cal
MisoSoup 汤 - 15cal
Salad沙拉 - 50cal
ChawanMushi 蒸蛋 - 60cal
Total 总摄取量 405卡cal

晚餐 Dinner

Dinner was at JinXuan Dim Sum shop. I couldn't find anything without chicken or pork other than these sweet stuff. You see the problem here, losing weight is not about how much food you stuff inside your mouth. Most important part is how much calories count and how fast these food will turn into sugar level in our blood stream, known as glycemic index. Higher it goes, faster ti convert into sugar, and sugar that is unused will be stored as fat! You're probably looking at the picture, fried lotus paste sesame ball? Fried shrimp wrap? Hardly a mouthful, sure fireway to lose weight. I'm telling you not. Stay tune for the result for today. Estimated calories count for both dishes 600cal

总结 Summary

Weight no change. Due to extra water intake, fat has been reduced. Wondering why today eat so little and yet weight doesn't go down? Simply because those food are high glycemic index. Weekend is hardest days for people who wanna lose weight! So happened this challenge begun on a Saturday last week. Today is the 2nd weekend during the challenge. Luckily this is lent season, determination become easier for me as I'm already off ground grown meat!

If you have no idea what challenge I'm talking about, here's the link to my introduction post.


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