生命之秋 / Autumn of Life | 谷哥点名#8


"The falling of one leaf heralds the coming of autumn", when we see fallen leaves on the street, we expect autumn should be round the corner. Hong Kong has subtropical weather, usually hot and humid during Spring and Summer. While high temperature drive you nuts, it is always the high humidity that kills you in Hong Kong. Most of the Hong Kong have to rely on air-conditioning to survive Summer because of the high humidity. Autumn and Winter are dry, which is nice. Taking into account of the temperature, Autumn is my favorite season at all time.



Hong Kong people like traveling to countries with red leaves in Autumn time. Traditionally, Japan and South Korea, nowadays, some mainland China cities are very popular. I used to not traveling around this season because of budget constraint. Hong Kong's weather is usually very nice in Autumn, so we are good to stay in Hong Kong anyway. That's why we didn't travel at all around this time in the year for very long period of time.


近年因為轉換了新的工作,經常有機會出差到日本,好幾次都碰巧是紅葉季節。加上氣候的轉變,香港在秋天時經常還是十分悶熱。再者,女兒們日漸長大,慢慢的進入了小學階段,往後要在紅葉季節請假去旅行的難度會越來越高。所以秋季出遊在我們旅行排行榜上慢慢的上昇。近幾年香港都有人滿之患,我們都很怕在香港逛街(另一個原因是物價太高), 出國遊行就變得更順理成章。

I changed my job recently, which gave me plenty of opportunities to travel to Japan, with a few times during red leaves season. As global climate changes, we got some hot Autumns too. Moreover, as my daughters grow up and get into primary school, it is more difficult for us to apply for leaves for traveling. That's why traveling in Autumn is getting higher and higher in our priority list. To push this a little bit further, overcrowded situation in Hong Kong (and the extremely high prices), going to foreign countries become a reasonable choice.



That's why I enjoyed the red leave scenery couples of times in last few years. Here are a few photos to share with you.





I am approaching end-of-summer of my life, soon to be in autumn. I keep thinking about myself, my family and the society. I cannot stop my body from going downhill, but my burdens on my shoulder won't go away because of the burdens. My family is relying on me so heavily and this is not going to be changed for quite long time, which I think they will be there until end of my own journey. I have to be tough and strong in order to get through Autumn and Winter and hopefully I could enjoy the Spring again when my daughters all grow up.



Hong Kong being a city in trouble, I cannot escape it, so I choose to avoid confronting it. No one can escape the cycle of four seasons and life and death, Hong Kong is not an exception too. It has passed its best time and going down the hill now. Let's see if it can get through all the trouble water in future. Instead of cracking peanuts, like enjoy mooncakes to celebrate the mid-Autumn festival!



現今香港的小孩子還可以有自己的兴趣嗎?/ Can kids in Hong Kong develop their own interests now? | 谷哥点名#7

风景: 是人在看還是鏡頭在看?| Scenery : Is that you or your camera? -- “谷哥点名#6"

电影是夢想還是夢魘? | Movie is dream or nightmare? -- “谷哥点名 #5”

情 ,爱 / Love | "谷哥点名" 第四回

Dream / 梦 | "谷哥点名" 第三回

很多第一次的第一次 | "谷哥点名第二回"


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