INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..." P O W E R S P I R I T " -- This is your invitation to Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!


After a bit of time away from Steemit, I'm back!!!

Thank you all for keeping the collaborative spirit alive and making this community stronger all across Steemit.

66 ArtiSTeemians from across the globe have come together to create a portfolio of masterpieces!!  Together we have already created 309 collaborative works of art and are building this Steemit community strong one piece of art at a time!   

We are photographers
 painters, drawers, collagers (is that even a word?), writers, singers, songwriters, musicians, story tellers, book makers, videographers, architects, poets and more.  Here are the contributing artists that have made this all possible so far:

@andrew0, @aksinya, @allstarrunner, @aniestudio, @art21, @camilla, @catsmart, @comealong, @dreemit, @englishchivry, @em3di, @funkit, @giraffeonskates, @girlbeforemirror, @havok777, @hilarski, @hopehugs, @jessamynorchard, @juanmiguelsalas, @jyezie, @kalemandra, @ken-and-jane, @lightsplasher, @littlemozart, @lloyddavis, @mada, @mariandavp, @meesterboom, @merej99, @mikkolyytinen, @mindfreak, @motivator, @naquoya, @nonameslefttouse, @opheliafu, @paolobeneforti, @paniopan, @pcste, @phoenixmaid, @pyrowngs, @reddust, @reneenouveau65, @revostrike, @robyneggs, @rubenalexander, @saramiller, @seisges, @shortcut, @silviabeneforti, @skapaneas, @soyjoseluis, @spaceginger, @splus, @stephenking989, @sumsum, @thebatchman, @thedrollyears, @trueart, @verbal-d, @voronoi, @wordsword, @xochicotta, @xtrodinarypilot, @yadamaniart, @jyezie, @yoganarchista ....and me!

As we embark on this next collaboration, please share this invitation to your other artist friends of any genre and together we can take this to another level still!

Here we go!!!




This image was named "Power Spirit" by our 5 year old QiQi.  
She says she can feel the energy moving through it. No doubt she is right -- as soon as you artists get your creative juices flowing, the magical energy will come alive!

 DEADLINE  Sunday, May 28, 2017 at Midnight CST.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*DETAILS for the noobs on how to PLAY~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Also, check out what the @gardenofeden is up to these days in number 7 below.

1.  MY OFFERING  - Use my photograph " POWER SPIRIT " as the base for the collaborative piece.

2.  TRANSFORM IT - Print the image or do whatever it is you do to add to/or alter it, (i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing, adding other photographs, collaging, altering it digitally or however you wish . . .or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story, a gif, a video, a book, or other imaginative play.  You can make as many versions as you'd like--we wouldn't want to stifle ourselves!  We're artists, so anything goes!

3.  MAKE A POST ABOUT IT sharing your process and anything about it that inspires you.Note: Making a post is not a requirement to play, so don't let any time constraints or "rules" get your patties up in a wad.  But, if you do make a post about it with your process we can share our works more prolifically and people will likely be intrigued by seeing how it developed.  I know I will!

4.  TAG YOUR POST with #art and #CollaborativeArtJourney (and of course any other tag that fits your finished piece).

5.  SHARE IT HERE  Copy the link from your post into a comment below.  (If you don't make a post--though I hope you will--please just post your finished piece in the comments below so we can find it easily.)

6.  DEADLINE  Sunday, May 28, 2017 at Midnight CST.  After the deadline I will make a post featuring all the collaborations and highlighting all the different pieces inspired by the same original photo/art.  (If you don't make it by the deadline, that doesn't mean  you can't play, it just means I may post our finale piece before you get your submission in to be included.)

7.  PAYING IT FORWARD  - I will be donating rewards from this post to my favorite and most honorable group doing humanitarian works, @gardenofeden (  (I am a full-time volunteer at the @gardenofeden, building a new world based on the vision of @quinneaker, creating a life based on sustainability, freedom and responsibility--holding space for the betterment of humanity and freedom for the children!  This is an incredibly worthy cause I support with 100% of my energy!    Here are some health upgrades that we're sharing right now at the @gardenofeden:  

Wildcrafted Medicine - The Incredible Healing Properties of Dandelions
Thriving Health Is Accessible to One and All, and Activating It Is Easier Than One Might Think: @quinneaker Shares the Priceless Value of Restful Sleep

8.  INVITE -  If you know other artists, musicians, videographers, photographers or others who would also like to play, please share this post so we can get the artistic juices and steem rolling, while expanding our artists' community for all artists, including others outside the visual arts!

9.  SUPPORT AND SHARE THE LOVE - Upvote, resteem, share in chats, and make comments to help spread the joy of our artistic endeavors.  Let's help all of our posts and masterpieces have a powerful opportunity to be seen.  Supporting each other is truly some of the greatest beauty of this platform.  Please take note of other artists' participation and give them some extra love.

10.  POST IN THE CHATROOM  "Art-Collaborations-Links-and-Creative-Inspirations".  This is the perfect place to promote these collaboration posts, encourage discussion, and an easy, all-in-one place to view and support others working together toward building a powerful artist community through shared art.  If you participate in other art collaborations on Steemit, feel free to use this chatroom to share those collaborations as well.   Please use this chatroom ONLY for collaborative work.  No individual posts please.

11.  GRANTING PERMISSION - Important!!! --  Please note that by participating in these collaborations, all artists hereby grant permission to have their art shared in  some other way (perhaps a show, printing them, making a gift of them, or otherwise at my discretion).  I will give updates as I figure out how best to use them, and of course, give credit where credit is due. If you don't want to give permission, please don't play. 


You are all some of my very favorite people on Steemit and I am so grateful that you are here playing with me.  I am extremely excited to see what you do with this image.  Bring on the presents ArtiSTeemians!!!

Please note in the in comments section any other collaborations or community offerings of which you are aware, and/or post them in the collaborative arts chatroom.  Here are a few to ignite your fire:

ARTstyleART Contest with @aksinya
ArtQuest-Trail No. 9 also with @aksinya
3rd Art-Trail Contest by @paolobeneforti
Free Art Graffiti - Graffiti made for you by @motivator
Free Psychedelic Portraits made for you by @yoganarchista

Here is a sample view of our collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?


Finale of Ingrained - 17 artists and 18 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of One the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece

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