Attending College Is for Some But Not for Everyone

Hello again, friend. Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on attending college and why it is for some but not for everyone.

If you have already graduated from college, then you may have already come to my same realization. If you are currently considering or planning to attend college, then this is your wake up call.

You see, right after I graduated from high school back in 2003, I signed up for a local community college right near my home. Why? Because that is what kids are "supposed" to do right after they graduate high school.

Then, in 2005, I had a breakdown. I was completely lost and had no direction as to where I wanted my life to go. My parents then encouraged me to go to a different school thinking that a change in scenery would help form a path for my future.

After graduating from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University in 2008, I was SO DONE with school and wanted to go out into the world and put my skills to work. My personal fitness training career began and I pursued it for a couple years until I discovered business.


You see, schools do a great job of teaching and training you on how to be a good employee. But, I came to the realization early on in my career that I wanted to call the shots. I wanted to be in charge of my schedule and my time off... not my boss, my manager, or my supervisor.

After experiencing that epiphany, I then went on to pursue online business back in 2013 and have never looked back since. I currently do work a job, but I am working on growing Steem as well as my brand, The Daily Climb, to break free of the 9-5.

In my opinion, college doesn't make sense anymore in the 21st century. It often times requires you to get into excess amounts of debt, then after graduation you try to get a good job to pay for that debt. The problem though is that you are simply paying off debt and you can't afford to then pay for living expenses. Not to mention, many jobs are laying people off so frequently it's ridiculous. My Dad has been laid off 3 times in his life and he has had to start over from scratch each time.

College shows you how to work for money, but owning a business and investing teaches you how to make your money work for you. If you've ever read the book, the Cashflow Quadrant by Robery Kiyosaki, you would see how the left side of the quadrant is where many people are which is employee and self-employed. The right side of the quadrant is the road less traveled which is business owner and investor.

The entire book talks about how important it is to learn how to cross over from the employee side, over to the business owner side. I'll do another post on that topic because there is a lot to cover.


But anyways, bottom line is, don't go to school only because your parents tell you to or because your basketball coach tells you to. Only go if you know it is in alignment with the vision you have for your life. If you are pursuing a career that requires a degree and you know it is best for you, then go for it.

Be sure to listen to your heart though and don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole. There are other options out there besides working for 40 years praying that you don't get laid off, and then retiring with hopefully some sort of 401K plan.

This has been Ken Melendez with another sincere message from my heart to yours. Enjoy the rest of your day friend.

Until next time, remember, You Are Awesome.

Take care.



P.S. Decide what kind of life you want to live first, then decide if college is right for you or not.

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