ColorChallenge: FridayBlue – Marika in Blue :: Marika Hackman – Eastbound Train, Boyfriend and Time's been reckless [DE/EN]

This is Marika Hackman!
You don't Marika Hackman yet?
Ok, then now you get to know some part of her!
I saw Marika and her Band as supporting act for alt-J in Cologne.
And it was pretty dank, her music is very individual, deep, sometimes really rocky, punky, poppy.
You'll love it!

shot with my iphone SE as usual

Deutsche Version:

Das ist Marika Hackman!
Du kennst Marika Hackman noch nicht?
Ok, dann lernst du sie jetzt ein wenig kennen!
Ich sah Marika und ihre Band als Vorgruppe für alt-J in Köln. Und es war ziemlich geil!
Ihre Musik ist sehr individuell, tief, manchmal rockig, punkig, poppig.
Du wirst sie lieben!

Stay Steemed and steem on!

Love, Unity & Abundance


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Thanks @scrooger for the great text dividers!

Also Thanks @kalemandra our host in this awesome challenge!

and also thanks to everyone who supports my work in terms of followers, upvotes and resteemd! Much appreciation!

And don't remember a music video a day keeps the doctor away!
Today with Marika Hackman and three of her songs:
Eastbound Train, Boyfriend and Time's been reckless

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