Last class ever!! ...Detailed look back on my 18 years long education journey STEP BY STEP

I just finished my laaaaaast class ever!....


Morning class this Friday was a special one. It was my last one ever. After 18 years of sitting in all those educational institutions, I'm freee :) When looking back, I'm not sure if it was all worth it. Here's my take on the education I've been provided.

Disclaimer: I just want to say that I know how fortunate I am to be able get education and I am very grateful for it. Not everywhere in the world are people so lucky...So if I'm going to be critical, take it a bit lighter..
Prave skoncila moja posledna prednaska ever! ...


Hmm, prednaska tento tyzden v piatok bol specialna. Bola to moja posledna. Po 18 rokoch sedenia v laviciach roznych vzdelavacich institucii, som konecne volny :) Ked sa obzriem dozadu, nie som si isty, ci to stalo za to. Rozhodol som sa preto napisat zhrnutie.

Upozornenie: Len chcem povedat, ze si uvedomujem, ake mam stastie, ze som mohol vobec vzdelanie dostat. Nie vsade vo svete je toto normou...preto ak budem v nasledujucom texte kriticky, berte to s rezervou.

And these are actually the lucky ones / A toto su vlastne ti, ktori mali stastie

Basic school

Well, I guess it's no surprise that I think basic school was the most important part of my education. I learned how to read, write, do some basic math and as important as the previous ones, I've learned how to be a part of a group/society. Just the basic daily interactions, help someone, ask someone for help, organize something, collect money for a trip, buy food in a snack shop. Those are the useful things I had to experience first time in basic school. Regarding personal life, I don't think it's an important part of my life as any of the relationships from those time lasted to the point they have a big impact on my life. At least for now... My first love happened already in kindergarden, so I guess this didn't really affect nowadays in any way :D

Zakladna skola

Myslim, ze to nebude pre nikoho prekvapenim, no zakladka bola najdolezitejsia cast mojho vzdelania. Naucil som sa citat, pisat, nejake zaklady pocitania a moznoze este dolezitejsie nez vsetky predchadzajuce - naucil som sa byt clenom skupiny/spolocnosti. Kazdodenne bezne interakcie s ostatnymi, pomoct niekomu, poprosit niekoho o pomoc, zorganizovat nieco, zozbierat peniaze od ostatnych, kupit si jedlo v bufete. To su vsetko veci, ktore som prvykrat urobil na zakladke. Co sa tyka osobneho zivota, vpodstate ziadne kamarat z tych cias nehra v mojom zivote momentalne ziadnu velku ulohu a ani to nevyzera, ze niekedy nejaky bude. Prvu lasku som zazil uz v skolke, cize zakladka mi fakt asi nic v tomto smere nedala :D

My first classes took place here 18 years ago / Prvykrat som sedel v lavici v tejto budove
Find a young Martin from 2002/ Najdite mladeho Martina z roku 2002...

High school

I went to a general gymnasium...thinking what all kind of bullshit we had to memorize there makes me sick. It's partly my fault because that's what gymnasiums are for. To give you a basic all-rounded education. What is of course good for your overal knowledge. I didn't know what I want to study so gymmnasium was an obvious choice. But all that memorizing of flower names, chemical reactions, agriculture details of south american countries or years of various historical battles were just an overkill. I didn't give a single fuck about all that. I've got a great base in math and physics for my future studies, but that's the only useful part I feel..+ I've already forgotten it anyway But personal life is a whole another story. I've met here friends for life. Many of them. We're a group of like 10 core close friends and I trust those people with everything. They are the best friends ever and if I didn't choose a gymnasium, I'd probably never meet them...And be sure I'm grateful I've met them :) So thanks, high school! :)

Stredna skola

Chodil som na gympel...Ked si spominam na vsetky tie podrobne blbosti, ktore sme sa museli biflit, je mi na vracanie. Je to ale scasti moja chyba, lebo som nevedel, co chcem v buducnosti robit. Gympel ma dat cloveku vseobecne vzdelanie. To je samozrejme super pre vseobecny rozhlad, no tam to konci. Biflovanie desiatok mien rastlin, chemickych reakcii a zlucenin, podrobnosti o polnohospodarstve juhoamerickych krajin alebo presne datumy historickych bitiek medzi krajinami je fakt uplne chore. Nic z toho ma absolutne nezaujimalo. Dostal som tam dobry zaklad v matike a fyzike, no okrem toho je velka vacsina toho, co som sa tam naucil absolutne zbytocna. + som tu matiku a fyziku uz aj tak znova zabudol. Iny pribeh je vsak moj osobny zivot. Na gympli som stretol kamosov na cely zivot. Jadrom skupiny je cca 10 ludi a su to najlepsi kamarati akych si clovek moze zelat. Keby som nesiel na gympel ale niekam inam, pravdepodobne by som ich nikdy nestretol. Diky gympel! :)

Those 4 years were more about partying than studying / Tie styri roky v tejto budove boli viac o kalbe nez studiu

Lucky ones, who managed to be my classmates :P / Stastlivci, ktori boli mojimi spoluzakmi :P

University - Bachelors

Hmm this one was pretty important. I've done my Bachelors in Bratislava and my alma mater is FEI STU. Except for crazy difficult and too theoretical physics, studium was pretty fine. I haven't learned that much of actuall programming but it showed me a direction. Regarding personal life, this is a pure zero :D I've met only one person who's important to me as of now. I didn't want more..I didn't need more. I have my close circle of friends from high school and I wasn't looking for new ones. I've shared a flat with some of them so I wasn't even a part of dorms community. Every weekend we've travelled back to hometown to meet after a week. I don't regret it a bit.

Univerzita - Bakalar

Hmm tak tento stage bol dost dolezity. Bakalara som robil v Bratislave a moja alma mater je FEI STU. Okrem sialene tazkej a hrozne teoretickej fyziky bolo studium relativne zaujimave. Nenaucil som sa tam az tak moc programovat no aspon som nasiel smer akym sa mam uberat. Co sa tyka osobneho zivota, tak to je uplna nula :D Z tych troch rokov som si odniesol jedneho ozajstneho kamarata. Viac som nechcel a ani nehladal. Kamosov som mal zo strednej a s par z nich sme spolu aj vybali na byte. Tym padom som nebol ani sucast internatnej komunity. Kazdy vikend som chodil domov, aby sme sa stretli partia zo strednej. Rodicia mi to vytykali, no ja to absolutne nelutujem.

My slovakian alma mater / Moja slovenska alma mater

After Bachelor thesis defense / Po obhajobe bakalarky

Internship in Pakistan

I think this will forever be THE experience of my life. It was just completely life-changing for me. Although I'm planning some big trips in the future, I think this one will stay n.1 forever. I'm currently writing posts about this internship. You can find the last one from this week HERE.

Staz v Pakistane

Toto bude pravdepodobne uz asi navzdy zazitok mojho zivota. Velmi ma to zmenilo. Napriek tomu, ze v buducnosti planujem vela cestovat, myslim si, ze leto v Pakistane ostane navzdy moja najvacsie cestovatelske dobrodruzstvo. Videl som nieco take proste prvykrat..To je vzdy ine ako druhy atd..

My Pakistani alma mater / Moja pakistanska alma mater
Pakistani Independence day / Den nezavislosti

University - Masters

I'm not finished yet - but all is left is to finish my thesis. I've learned so much during last 2 years in Innsbruck. Lessons are much more practical and in general the whole curriculum is oriented towards modern technologies. I've also found like 4 really good friends I'll for sure stay in touch with once I leave Innsbruck. But they are not really from the University so importance of personal life aspect of LFU is very similar to FEI STU, although Innsbruck in general is in rankings much higher..

Univerzita - Inzinier

Este som sice neskoncil - no ostava uz len diplomka. Pocas tohto 2.5 rocneho studia som sa ultra vela naucil. Vsetky hodiny su o dost viac prakticke na na FEIke a zaroven sa vobec nepreberaju zastarale technologie. Takisto som si tu nasiel par kamosov, s ktorymi ostanem v kontakte aj ked sa nebudeme pravidelne vidat..No ti nie su zo skoly, takze Univerzita ako taka moc vplyv na moj osobny zivot nemala. Podobne ako FEI STU. Innsbruck ako taky je v tomto rebricku za to omnoho vyssie...

My austrian alma mater / Moja rakuska alma mater
There are more important classes than Uni / Mavam tu ale viac dolezitu kazdodennu vyuku, nez Uni

Sooo and that's it...brief summary of my 18 years spent in the educational's a bigass chunk of life..Was it actually worth it? As of now, I dunno...I'll let you know in couple of years, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

No a to je strucny prierez celych 18 rokov stravenych v skolskych laviciach. Sialene dlhy cas...Ci sa to oplatilo, to momentalne povedat neviem...dam Vam vediet o par rokov! :D

Dik za precitanie!

Uni buildings picture sources: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Jiu jitsu, creativity and dreams...Why do I suddenly have these crazy-ass dreams?
  3. Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)
  4. 2 funny stories from my childhood
  5. My first live MMA event
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