Life as a Maid-of-all-Work | Comic Update #12


This page continues the exposition of the story as well as establishes the main location where most of the events of the story will be taking place: Top Hat McGee's house.

As the main character assumes her new role as housekeeper, Everett's home becomes the center of her life. Imelda's life revolves around her household duties. Domestic servants of the time worked long 14-17 hour days and according to some sources had one day a week off for themselves. In some sources, I found it was only one day a month. A sole house servant was called "Maid of all Work" and as the title suggests, the tasks expected of them were seemingly endless.

They were expected to be mild-tempered, diligent, and happy and were to complete all of their chores without having an overt presence in the household. In addition to long hours, countless duties, and little pay, workers had very little rights to protect them. But with very little alternatives in employment opportunity, domestic service was a very popular "option" for women of the time.

I've already shared this speed draw I did of the inking process in this post but in case you missed it and feel like watching an admittedly too-long video, you can check it out below:

[insert comic name here] is a gothic style story set in the 19th century about an immigrant houseworker who uses the spiritualist movement to rebel against the societal pressures of the time. If you would like to read the previous updates about this story, you can find them in the links below:

Update 1: Progress
Update 2: Perspective is The Worst
Update 3: Art Hacks
Update 4: Establishing Shots
Update 5: Changes
Update 6: Loving/Hating Your Work
Update 7: New Techniques
Update 8: Speed Draw
Update 9: Quick Update
Update 10: In Media Res
Update 11: Exposition Time

Thanks for Reading!

If you'd like to keep up with more of my work you can check me out at the following:

Instagram: @la.fumettista
Twitter: @TheresaChiechi

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