Eagle Spirit

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I want to talk, today, about an incredible creator on Steemit. Her handle is @eaglespirit. I want to thank her for her advice and guidance.

Where to start describing her? She's strong, feisty, assertive and has an incredible feel for justice. She's loyal to her friends and is not afraid to speak out for those who are struggling. Not only that, she's passionate about doing what's best for our community. She supports many groups here and works tirelessly to provide daily quality content.


She's a fierce defender of the original content creator. Woe betide anyone who turns up with a stolen image or plagiarised piece of writing. Eagle Spirit notices and guides people who are yet to learn the etiquette. She does this with kindness. We need protectors like this. Those of us who work hard to bring our genuine creativity to the feast deserve this to be honoured and protected. This woman speaks up when she notices anomalies.


As if that's not enough, she's dedicated to keeping alive the customs of her ancestors. Eagle Spirit is of Native American heritage. Her knowledge of the culture is extensive and mind-blowing. If there's anything you need to know about Native American culture, she's the source to investigate. Check out her recent post on the sweat to uncover why and how this custom is still relevant today. She explores her culture and brings it to life for us outsiders. Truly fascinating and vibrant stuff. If you haven't yet (where have you been!), go check out her blogs.

If you're into fabulous pics and soul-shaking imagery, look at her photography posts. These are more than merely pretty pictures; there's always something quirky or meaningful in their content. This can range from an exploration of orgasmic ice cream to an intense sunset in San Francisco. Each picture is a delight and a feast for the senses.

I think it's important to celebrate people who create genuinely diverse and interesting content on this platform and she certainly delivers that. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. You won't find a single piece of regurgitated nonsense in her entire blog. It's all ORIGINAL; it's all her own work. Come on, Steemians – reward the content creators that will give this platform a chance at longevity.

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Did I mention her sense of humour? Eagle Spirit is hilarious. She can turn any conversation into a fun fest. She cuts straight to the meat and tickles your funny bones. So many times I've had to pause the conversation because my eyes have blurred to the point I can no longer read. Learn how to zoom in if you're gonna chat with her on Discord.

She's probably cringing with embarrassment to read this (and may even try to kill me for it) but I needed to share my opinion and feel she deserves more exposure. Eagle Spirit is a good egg, as we say in England, and I'm so happy to have met her in the Crypto Empire.

One more thing – she's also collaborating with @minnowbootcamp (via the amazing and sexy @underground) to help mentor aspiring minnows achieve their goals. She does plenty more too but I'll leave some things for you to discover for yourself. She's the gift that keeps on giving. Please go and appreciate her efforts.

More power to your elbow @eaglespirit. Keep on being you! :D

Anji x



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All pics in my blog are either mine, or freely available online (pixabay, wikimedia, pexels, flickr, public domain pictures), labelled for reuse and doctored by me

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