Every week I challenge multidisciplinary artists on steemit to submit their genre-bending work to the ART MIX-UP CONTEST.

Iā€™m looking for quality art submissions that defy genres, break expectations, and contribute something new to art forms that have been around for a long time. I also look for documentation of process, because thatā€™s one of the best parts of using the steemit platform to showcase your work!

To recap, here are the rules! I asked artists to...

(1) Follow, upvote, resteem, and...

(2) Create a post sharing a piece of your own work (or a collaboration you played a key role in) that mixes 2 or more artistic genres! This might mean sharing a video, an image, writing, a sound clip, or something else (who knows!). And...

(3) Write something describing the work and the artistic techniques at play. And...

(4) Document your process as best you can. And...

(5) Drop the link to your post in the comments. This is the only way I will accept submissions! Deadline is 11:59PM, Friday, April 6, PST.

Winners Receive
First Place - 4sbd
Second Place - 3sbd
Three Honorable Mentions - 3sbd (1sbd each!)
Total: 10sbd!

So, without further ado...

First place and 4sbd go to @animalartclub for their piece: Kids and Kings are Not So Different After All

@AnimalArtClub is a new account on steemit to watch. Not only is this a stunning graphic, the thoughtfulness with which the artist designed and rendered the piece is exquisite. The accompanying writing is engaging and made me appreciate the art many times over.

I wanted to show 2 worlds seemingly so disparate that it would be almost impossible to make them meet: the simple world of children, that play and fight over their toys without much concern or consequence and the world of adults, especially people in positions of power - kings, prime-ministers, presidents, powerful businessmen - that in the end, would fight over the same little things that children do. Their ego-driven fights, on the other hand, have dreadful consequences for all of us: families, parents, children, animals and the environment.

Second place and 3sbd go to to @patschwork for her piece: Across Open Seas - An Artwork develops | Ein Artwork entsteht [EN/DE ]

I was blown away by this striking image, and the detailed methods she used to construct it. What is more, itā€™s a sweet story -- the image is a cover photo for her husbandā€™s album, and it is him in the pictures. I love how their love turned into this beautiful collaboration. I also want to share this alternate photo of him holding their child which is very sweet.

I love the beautiful colors, whimsical imagery, and imagination that went into both of these images. Iā€™m excited to be following @patschwork after her entry and look forward to seeing more!

Up next...

My first honorable mention and 1sbd go to @in2itiveart for their piece: ART MIX-UP CONTEST Entry

This is a stunner of a sketch if Iā€™ve ever seen one. Itā€™s beautiful, simple, striking, and draws me in every time I look at it. I loved reading the post and finding out more about the process behind the art -- so interesting! The artist is using their artistry as a way of reading energies about a person and a situation. This is a drawing made for a friend.

As I was doing the drawing I received a lot of great information about this man, and the situation. The man is perfect for her even though her ā€œfriendsā€ are giving her a hard time- they are jealous.
His left thumb on her left cheek represents strength of will, ability to judge and capability to love. The flower in the upper (stage) left of the picture- is an upright pentagram- meaning both people are placing Spirit as the leader of the 5 elements: Body, Mind, Emotions, Will
...The winged unicorn means his connection to the unconscious- and it is flying left to right- from the unconscious to the conscious...Manifesting from the unconscious...

My second honorable mention and 1sbd go to @zailecita for her entry: Mi Ć³ptica del teatro

I have known @zailecita as a brilliant photographer but did not know she was a fellow theatre lover and supporter. Her production photos are stunning and a testament to how theatre photography can be a stand alone art form at the intersection of two disciplines: performing and visual!

El teatro para mĆ­ es pasiĆ³n, es vida, es sentir el desdoblamiento del ser en cuerpo y alma, y asĆ­ como lo describo, lo vivo, a medida que estoy en cada funciĆ³n en la que he tenido la oportunidad de estar y sentir, allĆ­ voy detrĆ”s de esa acciĆ³n de los actores desde mi lente, es una adrenalina Ćŗnica y especial.

My last honorable mention and 1 sbd goes out to @derekvonzarovich for his piece: Finished my Fantasy crypts - Come see the step-by-step process - Pictorial

I love this whimsical, beautifully rendered submission. As a fantasy nerd, I love the idea of customizable art that is also a map of our favorite story or world. His step-by-step process is also great and his account features a lot more. Definitely one to follow for some interesting, out-of-the-ordinary content highlighting ā€œfantastic locationsā€!

I also had 7 other amazing entries that are not to be forgotten!

Dynamic Interference: Art Mix-Up | Contest by @jsf

Art Mix-up Contest by @angyabbruzzese


life drawing rain thursday morning by @potato-potato

Art-Mix-Up Contest Entry by @wildempress

Poegraphy: Time by @hilandera

Digital Art: Eagle Spirit embraces Mother Earth

And there you have it! The results of the ART MIX-UP CONTEST | 04. Stay tuned for the announcement of the next contest coming soon!

(FYI, all non-author images from Unsplash)

View more of my recent work

From Full Time to Freelance and How I Got Here
I just went to prison for 5 months. Again. | 07
Exploring the Big Four Ice Caves | Photo Album
Passing My 500 Followers Milestone and How I Got Here!
The Art of Self Care | 5 Essential Tips
The Hero with a Thousand Faces: a monomyth
An Afternoon Jaunt to Wellington Ghost Town | Photo Album

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