💫Flower of Life - Abstract Art #41💫


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Hey guys, check out my today's abstract creation. There are days when you just want to be alone and contemplate about the life that God has gifted to us. This abstract is solely inspired by the fact that I'm alive. I suck big time when I talk about life and philosophy so just don't want to go in that zone. My initial thought was to make a colorful flower but later on decided to keep it simple and unique. The ambiance surrounding the flower I have keep it glittery to make the abstract look more vibrant. The tentacles around the edges denotes the troubles and worries that surround our lives but our inner peace and beauty which the flower represents is always intact. We just have to look inside rather than wandering for love and peace outside. I hope you like this abstract. I'm very new in this field so any kind of positive criticism is always welcome. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

You can also check out some of my previous posts by clicking the links below:

  1. Scrawled Ribbons - Abstract Art
  2. Textured Abstract Art
  3. Black & White Abstract Art
  4. Minimalist Abstract Art
  5. Geometric Abstract Art


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