Quinn's Quality Content Curation ~(~Q2C2~)~ Episode 12 Crypto Mania! Crypto Special During This Critical Time


Today is the 12th episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~  !!!!

The crypto world is as crazy and as popular as ever! There has been so much information and also fear about the upcoming August 1st deadline in regards to Bitcoin, which as we know influences ALL cryptos.  

So I wanted to make this episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~ a Crypto Special!

BE SURE to be PREPARED and properly educated especially right NOW with what's going on in the crypto world. 

I am really grateful that I started this series. I have really enjoyed going through so many posts, even with how much time it takes and how many posts really aren't worth reading. 

I find it very fulfilling to find really quality/valuable posts that are not just well done, but are also really beneficial for the people using this platform in our community. 

It feels good to share the posts I feel are most worth actually reading, not just voting on, and this is especially so when I get so much feedback from people saying things like "thanks so much for finding and sharing such quality posts", or "I hadn't read that post but I am really grateful I did", or "there are so many shit posts out there it's nice to find a spot where I can just read a handful of quality posts", etc etc. 

I hope that this episode and further episodes are of real value to you!

I try to be VERY selective and only list the posts that I feel are beneficial to you as an individual as well as to Steemit as a whole. I am excited to publish another Episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~ as I have new posts to share!

You can check out my previous ~(~Q2C2~)~ episodes here:
Episode 1~ ~Episode 2~ ~Episode 3~ ~Episode 4~ ~ Episode 5 ~ ~ Episode 6 ~~ Episode 7~ ~Episode 8~ ~Episode 9~ ~Episode 10~ ~Episode 11~

Let's get into it! 

First up we have a post I feel is the most important Bitcoin Post in the last few days by @kingscrown  and the title is "If you were not aware in 4 days you can have 14%+ more of BTC for free."

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. Many especially hardcore cryptos probably know this, yet I just found it and felt it was the most valuable post I have read on bitcoin in some time. 
  2. Its written by a well-established source. 
  3. Maybe even more importantly, it has comments from some of the most reputable Steemians! 
  4. The comments truly add to the post as it ideally would be, but is so rare these days.... 
  5. Obviously NOBODY knows what the actual values are going to be, so the post title is a little misleading. 
  6. However the facts are the facts, and knowledge is POWER.  
  7. If you have not read this its a MUST read. 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post authored by @exyle titled "When you send crypto to an Exchange it's no longer yours untill you get it out again."

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. This post brings up a very important topic many don't know or understand. 
  2. It's so important when your savings or investments are involved to be as educated as possible. . 
  3. The comments are VERY valuable in this post; be SURE to read the comment by @liondani
  4. It is as important as the whole post itself!
  5. With this information, be sure to be safe and super secure with your crypto! 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post authored by @acidyo and it is titled "A bit of my history with trading, prediction market activity on the platform and how to pretend that you are good at trading!"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. @acidyo has proven over a long time to be very intelligent, honest, and on the up and up. 
  2. The post is somewhat of a joke in a way but covers solid critical thinking, logic etc. 
  3. Crypto trading is a crazy world, but there is a lot of profit potential. 
  4. If you're going to make $$ and not lose it, you need to educate yourself as much as possible. 

Check it out!

Next up and last post for this issue we have a post authored by @wolfofpoloniex titled  "Bare Basics of Trading Cryptocurrency"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. I have never heard of @wolfofpoloniex, so I was extra thorough before sharing.
  2. I found this article to be VERY comprehensive with a LOT of information.  
  3. I would say this has content that is beyond a noob and for mid to high experience crypto traders. 
  4. While there is LOTS of info, it is still fairly digestible. 
  5. This post is well written and makes a lot of good points and covers many facets of crypto trading. 

Check it out!

Next up I have a post authored by @cryptodan titled "EOS Token Sale – Why I’m Not Investing In It!"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. EOS is a hot topic here on Steemit and yet another somewhat new crypto for possible investing.
  2. It's just as important to research and check out the stuff that is against what you believe as it is for what you believe.
  3. I don't agree that EOS is not worth investing in, but I do agree with a lot of the points and find great value in the post. 
  4. The comments are really great in this one; they are as valuable as the post itself, something I feel could and should be a GREAT strength of Steemit yet is so commonly lacking.  
  5. Regardless of the conclusions, this post is worth checking out if you are into crypto or especially EOS.  

Check it out!

That's all for today!

 I feel REALLY good about these posts and feel like you should have either already checked them all out or make sure to bookmark them and check them out sometime soon. They have real importance/value to you as an individual here in this community and also the community success as a whole. 

I strive to contribute REAL value with everything I do.

As always, I welcome your feedback and appreciate your support!


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