August 24 -- Steemit Ramble #113 -- Curating Great Posts for You

Wings, as in chicken wings. I can remember when they were something that butchers would pretty much give away because no one wanted them. Or, they would be really cheap. Now they are not only pricey to buy, they are popular as an entree along with drinks.

We have started a wing night at the branch. It is attracting a crowd each evening and people who don’t normally come to the branch. A local pub has been running a wing night for years with a strong turnout. Looks like it’s a winner as an event for us as well.

Onward to today’s rambling

10 Ideas that can Generate Additional Income for Artists.

Anyone who works as a freelancer regardless of the craft is always looking for more ways to generate income. @ryanseslow provides ten possible ways that he has used.

Your Life is a Myth of Epic Proportions

Most people go through life letting it lead us along and we just follow, often stumbling along. @wildbeauty writes a post suggesting that we live our life as an adventure, creating our own mythic life. A thought provoking read.

The Value of Loss

In our life where we see our mortality as something that is far off in the distance, we don’t realize or even consider that the loss of a loved one can provide value. I had very little exposure to death when I was growing up. An aunt died when I was a teenager but my mother wouldn’t allow me to attend her funeral and I didn’t have opportunity to visit her while she was in hospital.

So, when my husband became terminally ill, it was the first time I had to deal up front and personal with the loss of a loved one. It was an eighteen month journey with him. Along with the grief of his loss, I learned a lot about living. I could relate to much of what @authorsamoliver1 writes about in this piece. You may want to give it a slow thoughtful read, especially if you’ve never seen death as anything but loss.

Hang Town, The Wild West Town Of The Gold Rush.

@lifemovedbysteem tells the colourful wild west story of Placerville formerly known as Hangtown. Interesting history. Something I’ve noticed on this international website is how often someone will write about a place and not state where it is. I looked the name up and found out it was in California.

Steemit Minnow Support: Do I need to Design Every Blog Post?

If you are new to Steemit, or even been around for a bit, you can never learn too much on how to improve the style and layout of your posts. The more attractive and well designed your post is, the better chance you will have of holding your reader’s attention. @ashleyonline has put together a very helpful post on how to improve the design of your posts.

Conscious Curation of Thought

Have you ever had someone give you some honest, positive feedback about something you didn’t really believe about yourself? Upon thinking about it, you had to actually agree with the person? Then, the moment you are on your own again, your mind goes right back to the negative feelings?

Don’t try to tell me that hasn’t happened, we all do it at times. We are curating our thoughts based on our subconscious beliefs about ourself. @danigirl writes about how you can curate your beliefs at a conscious level and eventually have them become your subconscious.

Wholey Sh*T -- A First Look at the Benefits & Changes of The Foods Merger and What They Could Mean For Customers

I’m among the growing number of people who want to know more about where their fruits, vegetables and meats come from and how they have been produced. I also avoid eating processed foods because of all the additives. A firm like Whole Foods certainly gets my attention but, being in rural Canada it means a need to order the product in order to buy from them the items I can’t get locally.

So, the merger between Whole Foods and certainly gets my attention. If it gets yours, you’ll want to have a look at @sagaluke’s post on what the merger means to customers.

Musical Timing & The Importance of LISTENING

This post took me back a lot of years to the days when I was taking piano lessons. I would listen very closely to my teacher and how she wanted me to do a piece and then at home, my mother would often decide I was doing it wrong and would insist that I play the piece to the timing she wanted even though she wasn’t at the lesson. It was frustrating until my teacher realized the problem and addressed it with my mother.

@wgl writes about the importance of both listening and hearing when learning music, in particular, the guitar. It also applies to listening and actually hearing what people are actually talking about but that is a whole post of its own.

It Ain't Easy

@onceuponatime shares some of her lightening fast trip from British Columbia to Ontario. Five days from her home to her sister’s at about 1000km per day. That is a lot of driving and so much beautiful countryside to be taken in and savoured missed, especially if she came through northern Ontario. But, she got some pics and shared them.

I Fasted For 16 Hours a Day For 6 Months and This Is What Happened .

It is pretty clear that English is not @arifulsms’ first language. This piece can be difficult to understand at times due to the broken English but if you’re interested in intermittent fasting and want to read the experiences of someone who does it, this is a good piece to make your way through.

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #6 - The Whoosh Effect

@bigskykilroy writes about his use of a ketosis eating style to lose weight and control his diabetes. I’m thankfully, not diabetic but I am working on losing weight. His post is brief and to the point. He also includes links to his other posts for you to explore.

Are You Addicted to Finding the Next Great Experience, Event or Project?

Many of us spend all or most of our lives seeking answers to questions we haven’t really formed, moving from experience to experience seeking the ‘it’, that elusive ‘it’. @denmarkguy shares his observations on the subject and as always they do make you think.

Wrap-up on Day 113

The end of another week is almost upon us. Actually, almost the end of the month. At this point I’ve done more posts than July but not by much. That is one of the things I’m working on is increasing my posting on Steemit.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the chaff that I end up trying to sift through each time I sit down to do the Steemit Ramble, I think it is time to give you dear reader an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just put a link to a post you have found and really enjoyed in the comments.

This is NOT an invite to SPAM!

As much as you may love your own post, I am really looking for someone else to say, “Hey, I like this post, have a look”. When I post a Steemit Ramble, that is what I’m telling my readers.

I wont promise that I’ll agree with your choice but, I will promise to have a look at it and if I use it in the next Ramble, I’ll let you know in a reply to your comment.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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