Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #6 - The Whoosh Effect

Every Thursday I add a little bit of insight into my Keto journey. As a diabetic, I felt like I won the lottery when I discovered Ketogenesis and what it's potential was. I was elated that I lost 10 pounds the first week and I though I would be down way more a month later.

Not so much...

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What was I doing wrong? I did the meat, grease, and cheese thing I thought I was supposed to do. I made sure I got plenty of cruciferous veggies and abstained from fast carbs. I don't understand the macros just yet, so that's a work in progress.


As I was scouring the all knowing Internet, I stumbled upon a possible answer...The Keto Whoosh...


As I understand it, fat cells are designed to hold fat for the famine periods we may encounter in a glucose lifestyle. Until our body is fat adapted, the fat cells replace the energy released as ketones with WATER!


Water weighs much more than fat and therefore the nasty scale does not show any weight loss!


Here's a little old lady explaining (in her own way) the Whoosh Effect...

I now think I understand what it will take and I have begun to adjust my electrolytes to help the Whoosh happen. I just hope I have a bit of warning. Don't want any uncontrollable whooshing!


I also need to regulate my workouts to maximize the fat burn...


Until next time...


all images are the property of the original artists, I have no rights

Except for this one...


Thank you to my 300+ Followers - This is Steemit! @bigskykilroy/three-hundred-followers-this-is-steemit

Thanks for coming along on this journey. I post this Keto blog every Thursday and if you were one of the very few who did not see the previous installments, here they are...

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #1 - Check Your Nuts!

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #2 - The First Week In Kicked My Butt! Lost 10lbs so STFU!

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #3 - Water + Electrolytes = Hydration!

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #4 - Intermittent Fasting, What the Hell is That? 16/8 Method

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #5 - Weight Loss, Fitness, and the Gym!

Kilroy Was Here !¡!

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