Sept 25 - Steemit Ramble - Notes on My Favourite Reads

Watched the Prince William, Kate and the to young royals arrival in British Columbia last night. Anyone who doesn’t know, Prince William is the future King of Canada as we are a constitutional monarchy. I particularly enjoyed the shots of the Governor-General and his wife, the Prime Minister and his wife, the BC Lt-Governor and the BC Premier all waiting at the curb for the arrivals of the Royals, brings them down to our level.

The weather has cooled considerably here in Ontario. I have taken the air conditioners and put them away for the season but not yet setup the heat. That is what blankets are for.

This morning my oldest cat was rather restless. She kept getting up on my lap and then jumping down. Took me a while to realize her fur felt cool so she likely was feeling the chill. I took a blanket and made a tent of sorts at the end of the couch. She was curled up in it sleeping when I left to come to the branch to do a bar shift.

Onward to today’s reading

Minnow's in the Steem..VOTE!

@everittdmickey has created a primarily graphic post about the importance of voting and voting often on Steemit. Very nicely done.

A walk in a peat bog in eleven pictures

@ocrdu posts some lovely pictures of a peat bog. Well worth a look and an upvote.

Can Men Be Raped?

This the second time the subject of sexual assault has come up in posts. Yesterday was talking about women, today is about men. This subject is particularly difficult in that much of the same bias which leads to male assailants being treated leniently when they assault women also leads to a bias that disbelieves and diminishes the impact of assault against men.

Using BlockTrades dot US website to exchange Bitcoin simple and fast to Steem Backed Dollar

@oaldamster writes a good post on how to use Blocktrades to move funds into Steemit and to transfer in Bitcoin to other merchants. While I love this site, getting onto the mechanics of how to handle cryptocurrency is not real intuitive. Every bit of help is welcome.

Attention all Minnows

Well @everittdmickey has been busy today. This is the second post of his I have came across and liked. In this one he illustrates the relationship between reputation and power. More help for the confused.

Why I hardly use Facebook anymore and prefer to spend my time and money on Steemit

@thecryptofiend writes an interesting post about why he’s more interested in Steemit these days than Facebook. I have to admit that Facebook had lost a lot of interest for me sometime ago. I am able to keep in touch with family and some friends and the branch uses their FB page for promotions. Beyond that, my stimulation comes from Steemit.

How to Make Steem Rise (pun intended) a #Dolphinschool challenge and a few observations about successful steemers!

@markrmorrisjr writes about the importance of growing the active userbase of Steemit to bring the price of Steem back up and then we all earn more on our posts. He provides some excellent ideas how to recruit people into the site. Remember, as pointed out in the comments, the site isn’t for everyone but creative types will excel.

Bitcoin's Baby Brother, STEEM, is Growing Up -- The Early Signs

@streetstyle has written a very coherent and well presented post on the history of bitcoin and steem and where it has come to this point. When I found the post, it had votes but very little payout, let’s see what we can do to boost it up.

Transform Your Inner Critic Into a Motivational Machine

What creative person hasn’t done battle with the inner critic who is often harsher than our external critics. We can be damn hard on ourselves. @decimus writes an excellent piece about how to turn the critic into motivation.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting. I know some of the posts have done okay by the time I post my ramble, but some really could use the support and upvoting.

Subscribing to My Posts

In addition to following me on Steemit, which I really appreciate. If you want to be sure to know about every post, you can subscribe at my other blog. I’ll send you an email when I post.

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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